Character transfer, in the coming patch?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Playful Pony, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Playful Pony

    So for many weeks I have been convinced that the patch that should be available this week would allow you to somehow transfer between servers. This appeared to be a sure thing, and my friends and I even made a few decisions based on the asumtion that this would be available in not too long. As an example, I told my friend NOT to make his TR character on the server my TR is on, because it is basically dead 70% of the time. He went to the Miller server, which is fairly populated, and now we are waiting for the character transfer so I and another friend can come over to join him and the other people we are intending to play with.

    Suddenly I see rumors that it has been comunitcated (using Twitter I understand) by the devs that this feature will NOT show up along with the next patch, but will infact not be available for another two months +. These are just rumors as far as I can understand them, I haven't seen any links to prove it and I couldn't find such a mention looking at the twitter feeds on the forum sidebar. I am personally not a twitter of facebook user, relying on this forum and youtube to get my planetside 2 information.

    Is there any substance to these claims? Thanks!
  2. maxkeiser

  3. VSDerp

    well i asked smedly on twitter about a week ago and he said no server transfer this patch but not all hope lost he also said he has a plan for low pop. servers.he will announce soon.
  4. DoradusGenudine

    they had said it would be in the jan30 patch but when they released the roadmap its slated for march release. which sucks because my server is also dead most of the time. 8 us servers is just too many to launch the game with. i ended up on a server with less than half the pop of any of the 3 highest pop servers. its pretty lame.
  5. Playful Pony

    Hm... Well a "plan" may not help us, as the server transfer is kinda critical. I sure am not interested in losing all the progress I have on my TR, especially considering I'd have to delte the character in order to make a new one as 3 (one for each empire is what I have) seems to be the upper limit. I certainly do not like the idea of not being able to play with my friends, and I seriously regret putting so much time (and a fair amount of money) into both my TR and VS character. At least my NC is already on Miller and "safe" from emptiness.

    Their Update 02 info thread still states that a server transfer token is coming along with the patch, if something changed they could at least mention that in their OFFICIAL FORUM for people to see!

    Thanks anyway =p.
    • Up x 1
  6. VSDerp
