[Suggestion] Change the Resistance Levels of Air

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scroffel5, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Smallzz

    I know some VS guys might not like to hear it, but there needs to be an NS variant of the Lancer. Charge up time, hard to hit projectile, huge payoff against air if it hits.

    I hate trying to kill air on my NC toon. If i use a faction specific G2A launcher it takes forever to lock on, and any tree branch, friendly idiot, or terrain feature breaks the lock. If I use the annihilator, I have to reload 4 times to kill an ESF even if they aren't composite because most ground pounders use fire suppression. So in the time it takes to kill one ******* in an ESF he's murdered my squad with a brainless super effective ESF A2G farming nosegun.

    On the VS side I run the lancer de facto. I have a separate loadout for hunting maxes with a Deci, otherwise it's Lancer 100% of the time. Why? 1 fully charged shot puts an ESF to smoking, and a quick followup 2 charge shot finishes them off if they linger. If they've taken any chip damage the first charged shot either kills them or forces the pilot to bail. It's very satisfying to use.

    What's the difference? The pilot has about 3 seconds to start ****(1) if he gets nailed with a lancer. With a lock on the pilot can eat the first shot, BRRRT, eat another shot, still BRRRT, eat another shot, missile missile missile missile, turbo fire sup leave. It is straight up ******** the difference in TTK between G2A and A2G. A banshee will murder you before you can hit overshield, but I have to spend 20 seconds maintaining LOS with an A2G murder machine before I can force him to leave? Not even a guaranteed kill, just force him to leave.

    Before radar/NAR/turbo were incorporated stock into the aircraft to appease ever vocal pilots, if you did enough damage to an ESF the pilot might actually botch the landing to get out and repair as an engineer. About 30-40% of the time you'd get lucky and at least get the kill for their vehicle. But with the coddling of ever whiny air players, they now don't even have to land to repair. Or sacrifice anything for turbo. Or For Radar.

    We also need a NS turret for the lightning that is similar to the Viper but has a higher turret traverse, and will put a composite ESF on fire with one hit. This way we finally have a "skill" weapon that equalizes the TTK between ground and air (as if ground farming with a banshee was any harder than leading an ESF dodging at 500m away in a skyguard).

    (1) I can't believe Get the F Out acronym is censored on this forum.
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  2. Scroffel5

    There needs to be an NS heat weapon, tbh. Why should VS get some faction specific implant that TR and NC can't use? I'd like to have at least one heat weapon we can use.
  3. iStalk

    This comment is absolutely true. VS is the only faction that has a implant that favors them.
  4. Trigga