Change the Charge Up mechanic of the Phaseshift to a Firing Mode

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by SinerAthin, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. SinerAthin

    I really love finally seeing a proper energy weapon for the Vanu.

    However, I'm rather underwhelmed by its performance, which prevents me from buying it.

    I'd love to see that, instead of the Charge Up Mechanic which is currently very impractical, not to mention a suicide vs another experienced Infiltrator, that it be replaced with two different firing modes instead.

    That way, the Infiltrator using the phaseshift could choose between two different firing modes.

    1. Fewer but higher damage shots, similar to a Bolt Action in damage. These would generate more heat, and have roughly the same ROF as a normal Bolt Action.
    2. More but lower damage shots, as it currently works now without the charge up.

    I'd love to adjust the 'power level' of my cool energy weapons, and I think it could help make the Phaseshift more attractive as a weapon for the sake of its diversity.
  2. Beefylovelord

    so basically you want a weapon that is both bolt action, and semi auto, without ammo, and bullet drop, without drawbacks? Am I missing something here?
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  3. Rigsta

    The charge mechanic does make it difficult to use, the reason being that shots are fired when you release the mouse button instead of when you press it.

    It's a trade-off for being able to OHK two people without de-scoping and infinite ammo, imo.
  4. MajiinBuu

    I'd be fine with the current version, but allow it to hold it's charge longer. Timing breath and charge feels awkward, I'll stick with the Parallax
  5. minhalexus

    People of Vanu Sovereigneity, the Phaseshift is a hybrid for med-long range.

    Trying to only use it as a bolt-action will get you killed.
    Trying to only use it as a semi-auto will not get you many kills at long range.

    Vanu's are supposed to be smart. Its a very versatile gun, be smart and use the versatility.
  6. necrolamington

    Actually I find using it as a bolt-action is the most effective way to use it. If you put on a suppressor then it's lack of bullet drop really shines.

    If anything the way I would buff it would be to hold the charge longer/indefinitely. This is already balanced out by the fact that you can't be cloaked while charging.
  7. necrolamington

    Also (I'm not sure if it does this already) they should make the damage gradually increase as you charge it instead of just switching to bolt-action damage at a certain point.

    Then if you release the shot just before it is charged you can still headshot an infiltrator because the damage will be at 450.
    It would make the weapon much more skill based imo.
  8. Xada

    The phaseshift has too much kick to be a reliable semi-auto, and the charge mechanic makes it a bad bolt-action. Also, even though it has infinite ammo, it overheats real easy so chaining kills is pretty much off the table.
  9. DevDevBooday

    This gun is VERY Vanu.
    Im really impressed with SOE, Vanus real faction trait is versatility, the ability to adapt and change on the battlefield.

    In PS1 Vanu weapons could switch between Normal rounds and AP rounds on the fly, whilst other factions had to do it manually.

    This gun can turn from semi-auto to Bolt action on the fly.

    Dont see the charge up as a weakness.

    Loot at it as a Semi-auto with unlimited ammo, no bullet drop, with the added ability to fire OHK rounds.

    Its a brilliant well rounded weapon.
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  10. Get2dachoppa

    This is almost identical to my initial reaction to the Phaseshift after putting it to use tonight. It's comparable to the Spectre but its downsides are it seems to have more kick, has less velocity, and a slower rate of fire. What are supposed to be its positives still come with drawbacks. The unlimited ammo comes at the risk of overheating, which I've found can easily happen if you miss your first charged shot and attempt to follow up with some quick semi-auto shots before scope sway kicks in. And while the charge mechanic allows you a sort of alpha strike OHK headshot (rather than the double tap headshot kill), its a bit tricky to manage the timing of everything (holding the charge, steadying your aim, keeping your sights on the target before you lose the charge or scope sway kicks in).

    I expect the timing issues will feel less problematic with more practice, but overall my first impression is that it could use a very slight buff. Perhaps a small bump to its rate of fire with a little less recoil.