[Suggestion] Change Sensor Dart into Sensor Scanner

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Blackhand, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Blackhand

    I like the sensor dart and find very helpful if not a bit limited. However, I suggest giving infiltrators a sensor scanner that operates on a rechargable power source like a engy tool. This would force you to have it out instead of a weapon,and you would lose the ability to fire it over range but by being on a recharge it would increase are utility greatly. The benefit of having a scanner would enable us to infiltrate more effectively and also give us more incentive to operate with smaller fire squads as well.

    Does this sound like something that would work or would it be too OP?

    Discuss below!
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  2. Evilmonky

    As an alternative thing you could cert into? Sure. As a replacement? No.

    The sensor dart is limiting enough as it is, having to switch to a gun if someone get close would be way too anoying (IMO)

    Personally I think they need to add in the motion sensor that they had in PS1 and allow us to deploy them. Would be really useful and give us some utility.

    Granted they would only be useful if they changed base design to where you can't just wander through one of the 100 gaps in the friggin military instillation.
  3. Blackhand

    Well you essentially would be mobile radar. You could observe enemy position and modify yours and your squads on the fly. I find that constantly out of ammo, but on a recharge you could use it as you go.not having a gun out is a resonable risk considering you should be able to detect an enemy before they spot you. Certing would increase range and decrease recharge time.
  4. Helwyr

    Infiltrators should get options to keep themselves and others off radar, not more radar stuff which is already excessive in the game.
  5. Sparks

    Just drive a flash with scout radar into the building, the sensor dart is so extremely situational that I barely find it usefull.
  6. Keystone

    The usefulness of a device is sometimes affected by how many others are using it. The RDD does not give points for spotting, nor do other forms of radar. More people would be using it to an insane degree if they were given incentive for doing so.

    I do like this Heartbeat Sensor-esque idea you've got here, though. It'd make Infiltrator like playing Rainbow Six... in space. With explosives and shields. Hm. Maybe not like Rainbow Six, but you get the idea.
  7. SavageSage

    I could get behind something like this, granted as has been said the flash does it and does it better, but I'd make it like a 90 degree forward arc for like 50 meters up (better distance for higher cert ranks). So you can sneak into a base and check buildings/control points in front of you for hostiles, but because of the directional nature of it, it still leaves you open to getting counter sneaked by someone behind you.
  8. Rigsta

    Let me gaffer-tape it to a scout rifle and I'm sold.