Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CMDUNKNOWN, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Champagon

  2. gibstorm

    people if you are going to use pictures of soldiers they must be IN GAME.

    They are lights that turn on when you are in game that help show faction colors that are off in the character select screen.
  3. Lamat

    Dude, there are little triangles over everyone's head and red cross-hairs over enemy units already, we don't need to paint all the models (who already look very different) with bright crappy colors (or lights) on top of that.
  4. Champagon

    Just.....nevermind :(

    I play on 2560x1440 and most effects maxed out.

    Spotting someone indicates that you've been able to see someone and were able to use the spot function on him, unless the to-be-spotted starts making noise and pops up on the minimap. Be a Vanu or a TR and hide somewhere inside a facility and you might not get found - facilities and terrain arent usually bright (except for Indar desert parts but no need to count them in since default blue is the complementary color to orange/yellow and hiding in open areas is kinda difficult).

    Your post seems to have an "Learn 2 think" issue. The way you reply isnt helping in any bit just causes unnessary beef between players/factions.

    Dont get me wrong - I like that Vanu have "good" looks but it should be made a bit more fair. TR arent as tough to see, if compared to vanu but I accept the less light reflecting red and the not so bright grey-white. The quite contrast strong blue on NC is "acceptable" but on top of that you get this really bright yellow - those who want to look like a yellow glow-stick, put on your yellow glow-stick camo but as stated by SPQN_Juba:

    Depending on the count of players, draw distance of players (esp. infantry) gets hideously short. Some players will be able to see some players but not nessesarily the same as their opponants.
    If you fight in a large group you dont have too much time to look at names or the minimap - you react to what you see in front and if it's glowing bright yellow and you arent NC - there is absolutly no need to hesitate unless the numbers dont add up.

    to your post Hatesphere:
    I'm not talking about hit boxes. Many "pro" players take off or dont purchase regular infantry armor because it widens shoulder parts and legs visually, increasing the soldiers size - and adding extra yellow to the armor. I like the looks of the composite armor.
    however the tan reflects less light and is therefor less visible than the bright yellow on the composite armor and if you wear camo...
    .. the tan is completly covered but with armor you get the extra yellow again.
  6. gibstorm

    They triangles don't really help espiccaly
    at night. Even when you know where there are an are shooting right at them it can be hard to pick out your target with all the flashing going on.
  7. Champagon

    By this logic you could also say, "If it ain't yellow kill it!"
  8. NC_agent00kevin


    Yellow is clearly higher on the graph you posted with tat hideous teal/cyan only reaching up about half as far as bright yellow does.

    Theres a reason construction and anything else that needs high vis clothing uses a tennis ball green/yellow color - and a reason tennis balls are the color they are.
  9. NC_agent00kevin

    Pictures, because all of the yellow never goes away.

    OP: Ive been saying this since 2012 but the other factions and about half of the NC fight it. Im all about some Lumifiber, shiny camo and underglow on tanks - but I dont want my Infantry to be high vis in any way. VS are very, very hard to see at night and TR less so but also can be difficult at times to spot.

    Go into VR and check out some NC camos, then VS, then go check out sdome TR camos. I know this is subjective, but TR by far have the best camo color combinations in the game. Best as in sexiest. Some of the camos that are horrendous on VS and NC are dead sexy on TR stuff.
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  11. Champagon

    You could argue the same thing for Giraffe camo so i can't see your point

    Also this is the first time i've seen cherry picked images. You can't use this argument when not every player has purchased this helmet
  12. FactionTraitsFTW

    Sounds VERY good.
  13. Lamat

    Don't turn this into a factional dispute, this is why positive changes rarely happen in this game. Arguing against a simple toning down from bright yellow to gold is really silly and shows your bias. Changing bright yellow to gold would not suddenly turn NC into invisible ninjas.

    Let's forget about what faction we play and look at all the models rationally here.

    Here's something for you as a side, I support a reworking of ZOE, I believe it was over-nerfed. I don't think it's fair that it makes you glow bright pink considering its other downsides. Plus, on the subject of aesthetics, it looks ridiculous. I support the reworking of TRs broken equipment, the striker & the Prowler Vulcan etc. I am open to these things, I am not fighting for an edge in the game. I just want this game to look good and play good. Why can't we come together on some of these issues for a better game.
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  14. TheBlindFreak

    Yeah, people did say that about Giraffe camo. Mainly because near launch, a majority of the players were new. VS infantry have the benefit of full camo coverage. And given that the NC has a lot of khaki coloring on their default gear, it makes sense that a lot of nc players might easily miss a fully tan vs player in their midst.

    So yeah, using the Giraffe camo issue from the early days as a means to invalidate his arguments is kinda ***-backwards.
  15. Champagon

    Showing an image of a helmet that not everyone has access to is also backwards. No need to get testy
  16. Lamat

    Why can't we make the models look cooler like this? (same goes for TR & VS)

    This game started out with a really cool look but has regressed towards a TF2 style game with bright colors and silly hats. We aren't far off from Dr. Seuss and Pony hats if the trend continues. There is a good video from early in the games development where it looks amazing, way better than it does today. Maybe someone else here know's the video I'm talking about, I don't know where it is.
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  17. Call-Me-Kenneth

    i don't really mind all the yellow, but i have to agree on the NC engi backpack. you can be spotted at extreme ranges... honestly it should get changed. if you play TR or Vanu you have to agree, its a huge "shoot me please" sign. sometimes i can spot an entire group of infantry just because they had one engineer among them. -.-'
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  18. ballZ Deep

    Anyone else notice the trend?

    Only the VS players are absolutely against this camo equality change, the one and only faction that has full camo coverage.
    The one faction that always moans and complains in the face of irrefutable evidence, until they get their way.... *sigh /smh
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  19. gibstorm

    I am TR, I think the team colors should always be very visible. There are times when there are too many people or your are too close to people to see the team hud icons for everyone.
  20. iller
