Certs should be account bound.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Paperlamp

    I can't think of a good reason for them not to be. Can you?
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  2. LT_Latency

    They would have to change alot.

    People would farm using 6 different characters
  3. Hatesphere

    how can you farm with 6 at a time when you can only have one logged in?
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  4. Udnknome

    I'm guessing you're sitting on a bunch of certs and want to make a BR1 with BR100 capabilities or increase the reward to 4th faction.
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  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    it's also because of starting a new char and not wanting to go through the tedious cert grind over again
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  6. Lord_Avatar

    That would make SC less viable and SC is how SOE makes money on this game. Let them.
  7. LT_Latency

    You could farm 288 passive certs a day and do 30 achievements by using 6 characters.
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  8. minhalexus

    nah, they shouldn't.

    There will be too much 4th factioning if that happens. People at least stay with their mains, until they get REALLY REALLY FRUSTRATED with their server/faction.
  9. Frostiken

    Christ this. I haven't played in forever because I wanted a new character on the TR.

    I don't care about certs being account-wide, I just want to pay SC to have my character moved to a faction I want on a server I want and named something else. The GMs already have the power to do this, this is FREE MONEY FOR SOE. Why aren't they doing it?
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  10. Hatesphere

    Ok, so cut passive certs to just your account, problem solved. Did you honestly think a change like this would keep everything the exact same?