Cert'ing into smoke grenades... I had both for one day. What happened?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by SickPuppy, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. SickPuppy

    Yesterday, I cert'ed into smoke grenades (rail attachment). I was able to use both grenade types and my worthless mana turret was no longer a selection. This was AWESOME! Day 2, it returned to normal. Can we make this an option. I never use that mana turret.
  2. Stormlight666

    I'd love to have a variety of objects to use that you could pick and choose from. Heck most of the time I never touch the turret opting to just hit 'b' and change it to an ammo pack. But it'd be nice to be able to have both types of mines.

    It'd also be nice if the utility pouch gave 1 extra explosive per level and wasn't limited to 1 c-4 at lvl 1, etc. Have a limit on how many you can place at once and tell us how many are still active, but give us the ability to replace them as needed in the field without having to constantly run back to a badly placed spawn terminal while you're out and about fixing generators.
  3. SavageSage

    It's a bug that's been reported before, it's sometimes cleared by respawning/resuiting/changing classes, other times by logging out.