Ceres (EU) Server not balance NC at 50%

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pumba Tal, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Pumba Tal

    Atm there is a 50% NC population
    the TR is around 27%
    and the VS is 23%
    thats make the game unplayable and not fun at all
    its just not fun to play like that
  2. VaIhall

    You should totally come to Connery, NC only got 45% here!! It's heaven!
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  3. MrMurdok

    That's horrible! Off primetime pop imbalance, on an EU server?!
  4. VaIhall

    well it's not just prime time its 24/7 atleast on connery.
  5. Alarox

    Did you know that even kings, emperors, and dictators complain about everything?
  6. BloodyPuma

    Around 1,5 hour ago - Woodman NC 45%. It was quite fun, lots of targets. Maybe there was some event I didnt know about?
  7. Ned

    The real question we should be asking is why is NC becoming the 4th faction?

    We all know, from being on these forums for the last few months, how hard it is to play NC and how TR/VS are so much easier, so why would everyone migrate to NC?

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  8. Hotbread

    I always kill at least 3 NC before I die. But I just get overrun. We need Continent locking to solve this problem. If all of the TR and all of the VS were fighting the NC, it wouldn't matter that NC has 50% of the pop.
  9. Pikachu

    Youre talkshow ng anout pop in the miffle of the night at ~1:00? Night popularions ate always unvölalancdez. Nothing nrw. Itsb just that it happens to be NC npw instead of vanu.
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  10. VaIhall

    It's not just night time it's pretty much 24/7..
  11. xThundergodx

    Not every population imbalance comes down to "OMG X FACTION HAS THE MOST OP TOYS". There are a good number of players that will constantly jump ship to whoever faction they fell is OP but thats not the only issue.

    But dont take my word for it lets go with actual facts: back when Helios (Helios +Genudine) server was still around and prior to the merge with Connery NC had a massive population superiority (40-50% world pop at any given time), now unless you havent used the forum you should be aware that till very recent patches NC was underperforming in every category in all sort of measures they used. Fell free to explain how one faction that was underperforming got all the 4th factioner that are after OP toys.

    Bet you cant, population imbalance dosent boils down just to whoever has the best toys since alot of people cant even tell the difference (read any balance thread ever made and you got people saying anything is OP,just right or UP), a much easier explanation is the "snow ball effect".Basically people start switching to the side with the most population since the side wins most of the time, and the more they switch the worst it gets, dosent take any genius to log in and figure out that the side with 44% world pop has a massive advantage.
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  12. VaIhall

    Because NC has the worst players, always had always will.
  13. Paqu

    Its a nice change to see NC being the overpop faction now on Ceres. I mean TR has been dominating with around 35-40% world pop for 6-7 months at least. VS was picking up on the last couple of months and sometimes had highest pop in primetime, but now after PU02 NC seems to have taken the trophy.
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  14. EagleGuardian

    This is not an off-prime time issue: even during prime time the NC has around 40-45% population on Ceres (and from what I've heard on other servers as well). Ceres used to be nicely balanced, but lately the NC have just been steamrolling Esamir/Amerish due to their numbers.
  15. KAHR-Alpha

    Northern Indar warpgate, same **** as ever.
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  16. Santondouah

    50% may be a bit excessive but yeah Ceres NC was ~40% on a regular basis lately. Even as NC this is getting boring... I guess it's time to seriously consider rerolling TR or VS !
  17. TrainerS2

    VS 32%
    TR 33%
    NC 35%
    its overpopulates yes
  18. Vikingo

    Same as with any faction that has the north warpgate, nothing new....
  19. Zagareth

    At prime time on Ceres it's currently balanced, so I wouldn't complain much if this changes during night times, where only 20% pop remains...

    You can see it this way: All "spray 'n' pray" kids are forced to bed, the "spandex elite force" is bored killing "easy targets" over and over, so the "N00b Childs" are the only left on Ceres... :D
  20. GamingForFun

    Ceres NC here.
    its really really boring right now. we were on the receiving end a few months ago and i dont know why TR didnt say anything about their overpop back then , but this overpopulation is so stupid. there is no real challenge left.
    rotate our warpgates and block multiple characters per server. give those guys a free transfer token to another server. i dont care, but i hate playing like that. jesus, give the other factions all their op things back , so they can actually compete with us and all these little 4th faction rats can stay with them.
    i loved the last patch ,cause it felt like we were brought in line, but this overpop destroyed any fun ingame.
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