I dunno, I hear the EM6 is really good, maybe not quite as user friendly but still really good. What about the Anchor or the GD-22?
Maybe the EM1, but it's still nowhere near as smooth as the CARV and MSW-R. It comes with the territory of low ROF, high damage guns.
GD22S, Anchor are excellent choices. The Carv is pretty mediocre, imo, and the MSW-R is basically a Carv with a 50 round mag and better hipfire.
GD22S, Anchor, one of the EMs but I don't remember which. Gauss SAW is bloody brilliant though if you're a strong ADS player, my NC infantry experience is pretty limited compared to TR but it seems all the default NC guns favour ADS players. GD22S is the counterpart to the MSW I think and whichever EM is better is meant to be the CARV counterpart, the other one being the T16 Rhino counterpart I think.
It's you're looking for something to compare then you are not going to like NC LMGs, period. Stick to TR if you want EZ-mode-- I mean, "user friendly".
Congratulations are due, for the most well-camouflaged NC-whine tread for today. Congratulations. Now, to answer your question: Anchor and EM1. Rapid-fire, controllable recoil and powerful shots. It's about as TR-like as you get your NC guns. Now, question: What guns do TR get that best emulate NC weapons like the Gauss Saw and EM6? Best I can think of may be the TMG-50, at best. Really, NC get's all the copy-of-enemy guns and you still complain about your guns. NC guns are one of the biggest pulls of the faction, IMHO.
Disagree about EM1 being similar to carv. Its Rhino copy. Anchor\GD-22S = MSWR spinoff. with → recoil model, 50 mag and fast reload.
This is a joke right? 1.NC has no LMG that has the raw DPS as the TR's T9 Carv or MSW 2. EM1 is ******* terrible never recommend the gun to anyone 3. Gauss Saw is the least user friendly gun in the game, in fact it is by and large the hardest gun to use in this game 4. TR have the TMG 50, with the staple 167 damage model that you desperately want, if you want the 200 damage model... well lets just say there's a reason why they are the least used guns in the game... *cough* CoF bloom while moving *cough*
Pff, EM1 is amazing. @OP: As far as user-friendly NC LMG's go, the GD-22S is probably the best you're going to get. It really is a pleasant gun to use, overall.
With NW nerf and current hit detection/netcode that makes you instagibbed, whatever the weapon used, DPS isn't that important anymore. On the other hands, TR/VS don't have access to 167/600rpm weapons too wich are certainly the most versatiles-best all rounders of the game. Try to find a decent all rounder TR LMG, then come back complain about CQC TR LMGs. Also, NC have Jackhammer that eats people at close range. The anchor is decent. Wait...NCs have also the bests SMGs. NC have decent options for HA at close range. (furthermore best all rounders and long range guns). The main issues are NC CQC options costs.
The discussion topic seems quite misleading. Are you discussing about the CARV and MSW-R or you are talking about weapons that are able to compete with them? The highest RoF infantry weapons can go without having their damage dropped from 167 to 143 is 600 RPM. As far as I can tell, only NC has those 600 RPM/167 maximum damage. EM1 is not bad IMO. I find the recoil easier to handle than most LMGs I use. The fast reload time is also good, especially if you got that 100-200 rounds in that magazine. I can't find any LMG that is able to compete in close quarters like TR standards. Just buy the Jackhammer or Blitz if you stick within buildings or so.
Tell me how the EM1 is amazing, really... Why use the EM1, a gun designed for medium range engagements, when you can just use the EM6, a gun that has more raw dps, and better damage scaling at range than the EM1. Sure the EM1 is amazing, if aren't able to control the recoil on the EM6 or other NC weaponry, but the only way to get better is to practice.
http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/NC6_Gauss_SAW http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/T9_CARV Gauss Saw .5 Moving CoF with .007 Bloom Per shot, aimed down sights T9 Carv .4 Moving CoF with a .005 Bloom Per shot, aimed down sights You can compare the rest, it has the highest, even compared to the TMG 50. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BbPTxPdCIAApf-T.png 4th placed in usage for NC at 13%, Lowest SPM of all faction defaults. 26%~ lower than TR and VS Remind me again why people call it the god saw?