[Suggestion] Carbines LA exclusive, ARs for Medic and Engi.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OneRedBlock, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. OneRedBlock

    Just thought this'd be nice.
    Engies seem like a class that'd use an AR, but currently use the carbine. Opinions?
  2. VanuSovereignty

    I'd argue LA and Medic should be the only one to have Assault Rifles, as Engineer is already the most versatile class.
  3. OneRedBlock

    Hmm, maybe. It just seems that more classes than Medic should have the AR. The reason I chose the Engi is because, in my view, the Light Assault uses carbines because they're smaller and lighter than bulky assault rifles, and as such easier to use with a jetpack.
  4. Dingus148

    As much as I'd love my LA to have a Cycler TRV, I can't say I can see a remotely reasonable way to balance this. Just imagine biolabs.
    Yes, but an Engie has a turret. The last thing engies need is more toys, even if an assault rifle kinda would fit the bill.
    Perhaps assault rifles as a HA option? Because limiting them to only medics seems a tad silly
  5. VanuSovereignty

    They're basically the same thing in this game. The TRV only has 45 higher RPM than the Lynx which isn't that different. I would take my Siruis or Serpent for many more combat situations than my Hydra.
  6. OneRedBlock

    I just want more classes capable of using the ARs. They are beautiful beautiful weapons and don't deserve this medical and gun-ical racism!
    • Up x 1
  7. Zaik

    VS and NC would probably be better off with the GD-7F than the GR-22.
  8. Fox234

    No, you have a turret. Thats your AR.
  9. OneRedBlock


    What makes you think I'm mainly an Engi player?
  10. Granicus

    carbines should be for light assult only, ARs for medics and engs.
  11. Fox234

    The fact clicking on your sig reveals your stats page that says your most played class is Engineer.
  12. OneRedBlock

    Because I'm a Reaver pilot. My most played infantry class for actual infantry use is the LA.
  13. Fox234

    And it says your most played vehicle is a sunderer. lol
  14. OneRedBlock

    lol yup
    I usually roll ammo sundies in armoured collumns when I don't feel like flying a reaver. Speaking of which, how much time have I spent in one?
  15. centurionvi

    That doesn't make any sense, it should be the other way around. Assault rifle for the assault class, support weapons for the support class.
  16. WalrusJones

    I think whats great about assault rifles is their medic exclusiveness.