The LA, and Engi both have carbines. The Medic, a support class like the Engi, is given ARs. If LAs, Engis, and Medics were able to use both carbines and ARs, I feel this would be more effective. LAs are given a natural disadvantage towards their bigger, dreaded, hulking HA brother. An LA with an AR has slightly less need to close a gap and engage in CQC, giving it the balance that it needs versus heavies. Giving ARs to LAs and Engis also reduces that feeling of self entitlement to kill instead of heal, that Medics often get their heads wrapped up in. It also seems a lot less awkward, since Medics will not be the ONLY class to have ARs.
Who Gets What? I get cool stuff and you get crumbs, thanks for asking. ELI5 on subject: LA cant have mid-long range guns, cuz we dont want every roof crowded with camping LAs. Engies cant have cool guns cuz there too much engies already with all tankers. Medics must have cool guns cuz we want more medics.
Thank you tower, SQPD is on Forumside, ready for posting, with information Kilo. (Your name is Atis. I had to make the aviaion joke).
Carabines swits well with LA that can close gap easier than any other class except infiltrators and can use efficiently improved hipfire. It's worse on engineers that generally fight at longer ranges, but it's "normal" for pilots that are use to use light weapons.
I think if one looks at the total arsenal(s) of the LA and Engi then you can understand the view from a Devs point and game balance with regards to AR restrictions. LAs obviously have tremendous abilities for firing angles. Jet packs, speed bumps, and a very unique grenade. A fully certed Engi can be a nightmare in his own right. Nasty grenades, nasty mines, Spitfire, and a MAX melting rifle. Giving these guys ARs really isn't neccesary imo. Medic; on the other hand, needs the ARs because lets face it...they can be a pain to play with all the support crap you have to deal with. Other classes can just log on and fight while the Medic gets spammed to death which leads to alot of burn out and not much fun factor. ARs provide this class with some fun but not to an OP level.
This is the bit of your reasoning I don't understand. Yeah, they have a disadvantage in a straight heads up and you're going to lose. But if you are doing that, then you are playing LA all wrong. LA advantage comes from positioning. And if you're doing it right, then you will shred a HA with ease. Also they have the perfect ability for closing the gap, so why do they need a AR so you don't have to? A LA if played right is far more powerful a tool than a HA.
But what if the HA has NMG and a quick dinner on his "F" key? He can just turn around and blast the LA full of his accurate SAW fire.
AR's are basically Carbines with less damage drop. If you give them access to Carbines and AR's there's no reason anymore to use Carbines.
But, but, if you had the choice of a carbine or an AR what would you choose? really?........I think carbines would be as rare as BRs in a short time. I think the burst carbines are pretty good at longer ranges now though (more accurate anyway).
ARs are designed for longer range fighting. As such it encourages medics to support fire from behind the engies, HAs, and LAs. ie...not be on the front lines. Medic is the ONLY class ARs make sense on.
Think of carbines as the CQC version of assault rifles. They generally trade ranged killing potential for improved close quarters viability.
Inf should get the battle rifle, since when you do the scout rifle aurixm directive using all scout rifles you are rewarded with a... Battle Rifle?!?!
That's it, now I must make some joke with SQPD acronym! - what am I supposed to do with that? *loses enthusiasm and falls asleep*