[Suggestion] Cap world population

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RedGock, Jun 11, 2024.

  1. RedGock

    now for about 2-3 weeks almost everyday on prime time VANU has over 36% world pop on COBALT... i play TR mainly... i dont mind oshur or the sundi updates or the new esamir or magriders or lashers or anything... the only thing that makes the game unplayable is the super high pop... so wherever you go you just get steamrolled... no fun fights, no wining... im a long time player and i would love to continue playing too... but this has made the game way to boring for me and many others.


    This will make the game much more playable and fun. it will also make people spread out to all the factions...
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  2. math368

    yes I agree its demotivating everyone we side nc we struggle even more all the time in underpopulation
    even more zerg for you counter side you the Russian zerg and vanus the cbmc side nc we bigger unit it's annoying
  3. math368

  4. math368

    at the moment cobalt all the time its going double warpgate by the vanus
    and tr it's just not fun and boring I hope that we will put back a population limit
    on the zones we can't all the time get smashed the combat not balanced all the time
  5. ZORN777

    Yeah, but every time you should be fighting against WANG, YOU're FIGHTING AGAINST TR.
  6. math368

    normal the tr and tc are more balanced the vanus are stronger it should be nerfed
    the vanus so obviously personally I kill tr ​​than vanus
  7. melioa

    yeah....VS had 62% pop on Connery the other day. made a stupid 1/4 size map alert happen, steamrolled the TR and NC. on Connery it is mainly all VS players. another thing we have to thank wonderboy Papa Wrel for, in making the VS the super easy to play mode faction. guess it mirrored his play style/skills.
  8. melioa

  9. FLHuk

    A lot of players would do well to have voidwell pop stats open when they play. Google is that way.

    You often see VS drop by x and a leading faction increase by the same x.

    It even has a graph so you can see eb and flow to see if the above is currently true or false.

    If you got three toons on Cobalt and are not playing the underpop shame on you ;)
  10. AuricStarSand

    Ye VS never need more than 34% pop. nor should they be allowed to have more than 34% pop.

    I mean I've suggested that vets join a program; with rewards? similar to free agent nso. Where you just repaint VS; to red; or blue. & they keep all their vs guns. Yet they are painted red & blue now. & switch over; same thing as NSO free agents; yet for any vet over BR 60.

    & yes blue / red painted lashers; may be confusing for like 10 seconds. Yet still a better solution then just one faction hoarding all the vets and pop.

    Less you want to give people more perks for making a alt.
    Like giving them a free lvl 50 TR NC Alt; with a set amount of certs. If they have a lvl 100+ VS char already.

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  11. RedGock

    just logged into planetside.. and of course vanu has 46% world pop... so i just logged off... what ive noticed is that planetside 2 is a highly addictive game... but when something like this lasts for so long... you lose your interest in the game. i see from myself, i used to log on and just look for small fights just for the fun of it... now, right when i see the VANU overpop, i dont even feel like dealing with it and i log off. i have over 7600 hours on thins game.. and only the past few weeks that is has been like that, where no matter what base you are at, you will just get pop-dumped and the fight immediately is ruined, this has made feel like not playing anymore. its too bad that a "one of a kind" game which could still be fun to play is being ruined so quickly. Unfortunately, im starting to not really care if this is fixed or not...
  12. RedGock

    just logged into planetside.. and of course vanu has 46% world pop... so i just logged off... what ive noticed is that planetside 2 is a highly addictive game... but when something like this lasts for so long... you lose your interest in the game. i see from myself, i used to log on and just look for small fights just for the fun of it... now, right when i see the VANU overpop, i dont even feel like dealing with it and i log off. i have over 7600 hours on thins game.. and only the past few weeks that is has been like that, where no matter what base you are at, you will just get pop-dumped and the fight immediately is ruined, this has made feel like not playing anymore. its too bad that a "one of a kind" game which could still be fun to play is being ruined so quickly. Unfortunately, im starting to not really care if this is fixed or not...
  13. math368

    if the devs don't react very quickly in September combat
    the server is dead what already look don't even look at the furum it's annoying rip cobalt
  14. DLL2

    I don't even bother logging in anymore, I just look at the population sites and when I see a big difference in population, I launch another game. Even if Planetside 2 is addictive, I don't give it much time any more, given the lack of investment in devteam
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  15. math368

    Once again tonight[IMG]