Can't spell triple lock without the TR, behold the superior skill of peoples army

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrazahNede, May 20, 2013.

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  1. DrazahNede

    We call that, tactical superiority ;)
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  2. Prodigal

    Of course, all skill, nothing to do with population overkill. Well done, TR.
  3. Teegeeack

    Can't spell troll without the TR. Stop reacting to them.
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  4. Pivke

    why does the TR guy say "we call that tactical superiority" when i am ghost caping an empty base?
    it doesnt make much sense, nor makes me more superior for standing in a corner for a few minutes while i go out on balcony and have a smoke
  5. DrazahNede

    Do you get triple lock while standing in a corner and taking a smoke?
  6. Sebastien

    It's only the TR that brag about this
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  7. Teegeeack

    Because zerging empty bases/continents is clearly a winning tactic, as the TR have shown.
  8. Chinchy

    Loyalty Until Death!
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  9. Pivke

    i dont get any lock, except weapon lock :D
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  10. IronWarrior

    Least we have something to brag about, NC as always in Miller have shown to be useless and that you can't even take a base even with your OP'ed Maxes or even keep a base that the TR(AM) give you.
  11. WalrusJones


    The, 28% Helios TR got a triple lock first.

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  12. Justicia

    No worries, Vanu had triple lock yesterday.
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  13. Sebastien

    You're thinking of another Faction. NC MAX can't kill an enemy MAX without spending 1000 Certs on the Default weapons, or buying the weapons with larger Magazines.
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  14. IronWarrior

    Can't for the life of me ever seen a NC max without twin hack-scat weapons.
  15. WalrusJones

    I have NEVER thought of an AI max as an anti-max unit: Infantry flanking and killing one is so much quicker.

    If anything, I consider AI max a counter to head on infantry, and flanking infantry/vehicles a counter to AI max....

    Maxes fighting other maxes is terribly inefficient.
  16. huller

    hmm, Victory!

    Just had to. Congrats on the VS for holding the lock so long.
  17. Joram

    To much bragging for a Monday late night ghostcap, you are just trying to troll people, 2/10, next time get some sleep before posting you may be more succesfull at trolling then.
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  18. soeguud

    This is far more interesting.
  19. Being@RT

    You've never seen them on a death screen, I believe.

    Then again, not too many people die to cycler+pounder maxes either.
  20. Hagestol

    Indeed! And we managed to do it without a massive population advantage, an alliance and a thousand alarm clocks!

    But grats on getting a feel on how it is to be vanu on Miller. We'll be coming back for our home continent soon enough!
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