cant get it up! (giggity)

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Kalari, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Kalari

    having some trouble with my medgun.
    i can heal other with it just fine but i cant rez ppl and for the last several engagments ive had to use my rez nades for getting ppl up.

    any1 else having this issue and how the hell do i fix it?
  2. Theter

    Left Click for healing, Right Click for reviving a teammate.

    But sometimes people are too glitched to be revived, and you can't revive people dead on vehicles spawn plates.
  3. Kalari

    .... well now i just feel stupid
  4. Theter

    You feel stupid a moment, but then you are smarter all your life !
    • Up x 2
  5. Jaedrik

    I like this perspective, it applies to so much.

    Do not be afraid to seek advice for the fear of looking stupid, friends!