Can't Distinguish Friends/Enemies - Color Deficiency

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainQQ, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. RedNoak

    oh well, so i can distinguish my own and enemy units in 3km distance, when i have all the time i need to really concentrate and see the nuance in the color-difference. but if its mid to close range when a splitsecond decides over live and death im still screwed... THANK YOU and for pointing that out
  2. Dabruuzer

    I have great difficulty telling NC and Vanu apart on the map - almost impossible. As for my biggest issue, being color deficient, when I am in a squad, I have a lot of trouble telling a squad member from an enemy by the names over them. I have shot several squadmembers who ran into my field fo view before realizing they weren't enemies. Now, part of this has to do with me being terrible at FPSs, but the rest is the color of the text over the avatars. I just wish there was some customization options I could set, so I could change them to whatever color I wanted, as long as it was easily distinguishable to me.
  3. Xind

    I suffer from Red/Green Colorblindness issues. Actually a large part of the reason why I chose TR. Shoot the blue guys, because both Vanu and NC are more or less the same color to me.

    It seems like a few UI options would really help this, because "q" targeting, while I do spam it, has a maximum range and also yells out that you spotted the enemy instantly letting them know you're on to them.

    I'd just like to see a toggle for Show Enemy or Allied Health bars (Or both) all the time. Or a toggle for show allied/enemy names all the time.

    Unless target acquisition time is supposed to be a really critical part of the game. But I don't get that impression.
  4. Schenck

    I'm not color blind, but the only way I distinguish friendlies from hostiles is by that blue triangle on their head too. If I were going by the actual color of their suits, I'd really suck at night, in dark corners or with the night vision scope - so I don't. So I don't really understand this problem.

    Anyone who ever used an IR scope certainly has to learn spotting that triangle halo fast, or he'll teamkill aplenty.
  5. Brok9000

    Just do what it seems most people do, shoot/grenade everyone in front of you. The lockout is meaningless, just get a snack and get back to action killing anyone nearby. ;)

    The choices of colors and the additions of all the camo are probably the #1 reason for so many TKs. Well that and whole hexes full of tanks and sunderers driving and launching all over each other.
  6. Rikaelus

    I don't have any sight deficiencies but as a new player I agree it can be very hard to tell friend from foe. I'm sure it can get a little bit easier the longer you play, but I suspect many would-be players turn tail out of frustration getting shot by people they don't even know is the enemy. I had the temptation to quit, myself.

    I've gotten a bit better about seeing the triangles but the variance of the colors sometimes still trips me up. Some of the VS shades come pretty close to looking like NC colors.

    My thought is this:
    Yes, in real life it can be hard to tell friend from foe in a battlefield where everyone's running around willy-nilly, but then there would also be more consistency in the uniforms used. If you want to give players all kinds of appearance options, fine. But if we're going to abandon that element of realism, then give us a more obvious way to identify allies.
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