Can't Deploy Sunderer... Next To Enemy Sunderer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zaspacer, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. zaspacer

    So I drive up the back of The Crown to deploy a Sunderer under the overhang... but there is another Deployed Sunderer already there... but it's an enemy Sunderer. So I try to Deploy next to it, but it gives me the message "vehicle is too close to another deployed vehicle of the same type". And there is no Ally Sunderer nearby or any of the "non-Depoyment" circles showing in the area.

    Why do enemy Deployed Sunderers keep me from Deploying in the same area as them? And why doesn't it show me what that area is if/when the enemy Sunderer is showing up on my Mini-Map and I am in a Sunderer?
  2. Taemien

    Didn't know this was a thing. But I have to ask, why not?

    I mean think about it, you're about to get attacked, so you put your own sundies out to c-block their sundies from deploying and causing a mash rush into your base.

    If it works like that, I'd like for it to stay that way.
  3. FateJH

    It actually was a bug once, and it was supposed fixed. If it's reared its head again then it needs to be fixed anew; but, if this is intentional, then we need to confirm the developers have made this to be the case. Create a bug ticket, if you can't find an existing one.
  4. Diilicious

    i had an enemy sunderer deploy next to my own yesterday on hossin.
  5. zaspacer

    Thanks for the info FateJH.

    I don't make bug reports anymore for PS2. I don't want to waste the time/effort.

    I'm fine with it saying like that. But it'd be nice to see the enemy radius that you can't Deploy In. Even if you only see it when the deployed enemy Sunderer is lit up on your mini-map.
  6. Taemien

    I have to disagree that would allow you to find sundies that should otherwise be hidden.
  7. zaspacer

    I am suggesting it shows up only when the Sundy is actually already spotted on my Radar. Not when I don't know it's there.