Canis worth unlocking?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Okjoek, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. Pacster3

    Nothing in that post is true nor makes sense.
    I can say that nothing changed when it comes to alerts on my server. On my server it's still pretty random depending on which factions are teaming up, which faction is overpopulated(that is actually pretty random as well. Sometimes it's VS at night...sometimes NC and so on) or if one faction is just attacking one other(with the result that the targeted factions defends itself and faction 3 just ghostcapping EVERYTHING). And just need to check where the big fights are going on(cause that's where the zerglings go) at any given time and you already know who will start and win the next alert. There are no strategical decisions involved at all(strategy is only involved when once in a while an alert is really close during the last 15 minutes or so. But that happens in like 10-15% of all alerts).
  2. OgreMarkX

    ya umm...DBG can't code that. DBG upgraded and reworked both the VS and NC directive LMGs and when they failed to do the same with the TR directive LMG because of limitations in their game, they just quit trying. Top notch job.

    Just quit. Works everytime.
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