Can we unnerf HE rounds now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jrgsubzero, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. MarioPIe

    key word: second
  2. Santondouah

    great ! Thx for the information
  3. Unclematos7

    I HEAT farmed northpoint station with a Prowler once. The walls were no problem at all.
  4. Bungee

    You have my condolences. Thats 1k certs you wont see again.

    Irrespective of the conclusions of this thread take a warning; Do not waste certs or SC on a HE turret for your prowler.. Seriously use heat its better in every way.

    People may say that Prowler HE is just fine... it is as long as those certs are spent on something else :)
  5. Pikachu

    Give HE proximity detonation against all targets, in addition to other buffs.
  6. Schwak

    It is true, there is no reason to pull HE. I've been working on getting my araxium with it (100 to go) and .5 meters with a heavy loss to direct damage, and slower travel time is just not worth it over the HEAT. They need to at least give it another meter to the internal possibly even buff the damage.

  7. Schwak

    Ya but thats just the thing, they don't want to run anything but nano because its too important in toe to toe fights with other infantry. They need to rebuff all splash damage nerfs and increase flak armor to maybe even 75%. Getting farmed at your spawn room? Slap on flak and learn how to outplay other infantry not outcert.
  8. Jeslis

    I'm not so sure on this;
    They are already nerfing all AI capabilities of AV weapons from maxes (Fracture, comet, and the NC ones whose names I do not know).

    This makes me think that its more anti-rocket then anything else.

    We shall see tho :( I don't recall where the post was that mentioned all the proposed flak changes.