You provide no information, we're just supposed to agree because Taiwan is in Asia? Xenophobic much? Not to mention if this is a player or outfit you're breaching forum rules by trying to name and shame.
if people were banned over pet peeves that single players had against them the PS2 would have no players at all.
Would be great if people would stop making threads with just a few random words and no context. I feel like im walking into a private conversation half the time.
Are we meant to play "20 Questions" in order to understand why you made this thread? Who is "Taiwan #1"? Is it a what? What did they do to become a pet peeve? What is your pet peeve exactly? Why do we care that you're not Asian? Why would we assume you're Asian? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Why am I here? Will I really ask 20 questions? Will you give us more info? Can you give us more info? Why is "Taiwan #1" number one? Is "Taiwan #1" even from Taiwan? Will Lord Higgles see my messages? Am I running out of questions? Whot is "Game Night"? Am I going crazy? Why did you even post? Is this the last question?