Can we have option for old vs look?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GSZenith, May 1, 2013.

  1. Obscura

    Not sure if I can find a screenshot, but during beta there was a tooltip during the loading screen that said "The Vanu attack at night, usually".
  2. Edenwolf

    No, I love the new appearance.
  3. Minimum Force

    Or maybe folks turn up brightness at night to counter the dark camo. It looks terrible with brightness up to max but people are no longer ninjas with guns. If anything I would prefer it if our armor actually served a purpose and had slots to equip stuff in.

    Hmm.. night time? Well I better equip my low light (insert random name for sci-fi NVGs) optics for my gun and my helmet. Look at that.. now my certs are making the game have depth and I can see people without having to turn up brightness. Immersion and aesthetics.. who would've thought.
  4. Kociboss

    Must be pain to play during daytime.
  5. chrisbeebops

    Esamir burns my retinas to a crisp.
  6. Thurwell

    Probably just drops his brightness down when the sun comes up. Not too much trouble to do every few hours.
  7. NanoBitSplit

    So if I want to have some purple on my character model, the primary color of my chosen empire, instead of being a walking snow tire, I should have to cough up for camouflage or cosmetics?

    You don't happen to work at SOE, do you? Because it sure seems like a crappy money grab to me.

    It was "The Vanu mostly attack at night... mostly."

    I sometimes feel like I'm the only VS in existence who actually wants the neon purple and teal of old, and that I'm surrounded by either small children or fourth-factioners who are willing to give up any and all empire identity for "muh camo coverage MLG noscope hidden sinper crouching idiot."
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  8. Morpholine

    I submit that if the 50 SC a single-use camouflage sets one back is breaking the bank (presuming they're not satisfied with the default colors), they've picked the wrong damn hobby in the first place.
  9. Obscura

    Yeah that was it. I'm a pretty much strictly VS player early beta, and I'd much rather have camo that actually is useful rather than bright *** teal armor that makes me stand out. This has nothing to do with the MLG kiddies or fourth factioning, it's the fact that I'd rather look like a soldier geared for combat in the environment he's in.
  10. NinjaTurtle

    Black look 100% better, I just wish the NC got the make over
  11. Onetoo

    I love the new camo and hope all of the old stuff has been destroyed.
  12. MarthKoopa

    I share your feelings about the VS appearance.

    The kickass purple and teal PLATED (not spandex) armour of PlanetSide 1 is part of the reason why I became such an ardent Vanu soldier.

    But what did we get in PlanetSide 2?... spandex, barely any purple, and the wrong type of teal. I feel ashamed to wear this garbage.

    Vanu needs to go back to being this awesome:
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