Can we get brighter nights or build in night vision/better lighting?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xebov, May 31, 2014.

  1. BlackDove

    Yes but content like DVDs TV and all that are required to conform to industry standards.

    Id hope that these game publishers are using the universally adopted gamma standards but i honestly dont know if they do.

    I have my gamma, color, black level, color temperature etc all configured only in my monitor and i dont have to individually adjust it ANY of those in driver or game settings usually.

    I dont have a $25,000 reference monitor by any means but it seems fine in all 100 games i own and videos etc.

    I have noticed they made the nights darker. A bit too dark but not unplayable.

    The people saying the nights are bright almost certainly have 1920x1080 over HDMI or Display Port bug or a totally misadjusted monitor.

    Did you take that color test i linked?
  2. Pikachu

    I got 16 score. Fun test. :D
  3. BlackDove

    The only problem with it is that is has two variables: the person AND the monitor.

    If we assume you have perfect color acquity then you should adjust your monitor until you can get a 0.

    Also, if you cant see ALL of the squares in the black level test you are likely in the wrong color space, meaning your monitor is getting the entirely wrong kind of signal from the GPU. square 1 is just barely lighter than the background which is value 0(black on a monitor).

    People with the HDMI or Display Port problem have value 16 reassigned to 0 distorting the image so black is gray and nights are too bright etc.

    A lot of people have that and dont know it and they misadjust their monitor to compensate.