Can we get an authoratative UserOptions.ini thread?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by [fr31ns]Karrde, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. [fr31ns]Karrde

    Ok I I've been seeing enough questions various places regarding how to optimize one's game. I don't know where everything is. But one thing I think would be very useful for everyone, especially new comers, would be some kind of complete guide to the UserOptions.ini file. Maybe even get it stickied. This would have the following:

    1. A complete variable list organized in order by [heading]. This includes both what appears by default and settings that aren't listed in the .ini but are available.
    2. A description of what each variable is.
    3. Possible values for the setting. In the case of things like texture levels that use int variables an explanation for each setting.
    4. Whether it's primarily handled by the CPU or GPU.
    5. Any other established or verified optimization strategies.

    As it stands, everything is scattered around here, Planetside Universe, and private forums. It would be nice if we could pull everything together into a single place so there would be no reason to ever go anywhere else for explanations.
    • Up x 2
  2. GimmeUrWallet

    I approve this message.
  3. bishopau

    I'm get the feeling that the devs would prefer that eventually this option disappears completely and the only way to switch things around is through the ingame settings. Hence why there is very little out there from them.
  4. GimmeUrWallet

    Yeah, I agree. I believe the problem Karrde is pointing out though is there are quite a few tweaks people have done, both through the .ini and with Windows that seem to have helped...but they are all over the place. Doing a search on a large site with 10s of thousands of posts can be an aggrevating exercise in futility. A consolidated place for user specs, tweaks, and results would be tremendously helpful, especially to the "new recruits" as a means to keep the population up. I'd be willing to post my rig spec's, tweaks, and results in a thread that could remain viable.
  5. Wolvers

  6. Hydragarium

    One of the devs in charge of this mentioned in a recent video that he was working on a new UO.ini layout with explanations of everything to make it easier for users to tweak everything.