[Suggestion] can we finally get an OFF option for the whiny woman?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liewec123, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Liewec123

    "Is this the best you have?"

    "we're losing it!"


    "step it up!"

    "the NC needs this facility!"



    its been requested several times over the years, but here i am again to ask once more!
    can we finally have a way to turn off this extremely annoying woman?!
    (without disabling the other communications, which are actually useful.)

    the TR drill seargant is tolerable,
    the VS guru guy is fine,
    but this woman...this nagging, whining woman...
    i have some days were i'll turn off the valuable in-game communications entirely
    just so i don't have to endure her incessant whining!

    would it be possible to make a separate option for ingame announcers
    that can be turned off separately to the other voice work?
    i need to know when a nearby ally spots a vehicle, i don't need a whiny lady nagging down my ear!

    would anyone else have a party if we finally got the option to disable her?
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  2. pnkdth

    Thought it worked with the merc theme. The grunts being out there on the field getting a verbal beating for failing. Probably from someone, this lady, who's about to walk into a board meeting and explain why the team she (presumably) hired did not meet expectations. In other words, I hear more desperation + anger in the voice than whine.
  3. Halkesh


    Good luck changing it, players complain about it since at least 4 years.
    At least NC V6_taunt is the best. "That was cute, nice try".
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  4. Campagne

    I often yell aloud "Shut the **** up!" whenever I hear that damn ***** complaining that we're losing a base against 3-1 odds.

    Really adds nothing, at best she's telling me what I already know. Like no **** Sherlock, I've only been fighting in this base for the last 20 minutes.
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  5. chamks

    for the last 6 years
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  6. Sazukata

    We can't let thith fathility fall to the enemy
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  7. Bloodlock

    This explains why NC always have the most server population on emerald...
    The voice in their heads is a woman... not an Old priest... or a field sergeant... :rolleyes:
  8. Halkesh

    This explain why NC teamkill so much : whiny woman is so annoying they try to calm down by firing at everything they see.
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    Vs is OK rly?
    When he says: you didn't disappoint, yourself you did to vanu.
    I want to kill him. 20vs spawn camping that's bull
  10. asmodraxus

    The whiny voice comes with the bonus checks...
  11. Twin Suns

    Must be the single guys.

    Those of us that are married already unlocked the "Anti Nagging" implant.
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  12. Bansheedragon75

    I only play VS, but I find that constant nagging just as annoying.
    There are times when I just wish I could strangle that damned voice, an off option for it would be most welcome.
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  13. Doc Jim

    It's been a while since I was aware of the faction commanders/instructors.
    My brain seems to do the censoring for me. Thanks for amusing me with your lamentations.

    In all seriousness though, I guess having an option to customize and/or deactivate them would do no harm.
  14. CaptCran

    Or the bright *** "YOU TOOK OVER THE BASE!!!!!!" that flashes the **** out of your corneas when you win/lose a base......
  15. The Rogue Wolf

    Really? I find Angry Commander Man much more annoying than Rebecca from HR.

    Grandpa Vanu is cool, though.
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  16. Desann

    The Vanu man-voice is deep and commanding.

    I request change to a zeksy female robot voice....k thanks
  17. Liewec123

    Kinda! While moaning mertyl is nagging at us with "is that the best you have!?" Papa vanu is like "don't lose hope, we can prevail!"
    He just seems better then a naggy, condescending banshee constantly screeching down your ear about how much you suck for losing to an 80% overpop.
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  18. AlcyoneSerene

    Quite like the VS one, TR voice is okay, haven't heard the NC one yet but already sounds super annoying.
  19. Zagareth

    I know why you all dont like the "whiny woman". It probably reminds you to your own gf/woman when she calls you in bed "is that the best you have!?"

    muharhar, you lousy lil crybabies - stand it like a man and get over it!
  20. Zagareth

    Like every good man, you should be able to "let it go in one ear and go out at the other, w/o getting registered".

    Well in your case there isnt anything that could register something that flushes through your ears... soldier!