Can we agree to disagree?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sapare, May 26, 2013.

  1. Sapare

    And keep latice out of Amerish?

    I will make the CRAZY assumption and say that most people who like Lattice are Indar players, because indar players are those who always liked the big fights.

    So, you guys got your lattice, no need to spread it any further then that.

    (I don't like it, you like it, more power to you, but agree to disagree and don't make some argument as if i was WRONG for disliking it)

    And yes, this topic is slightly biasly worded, I am tired and sick of reading all these (bluntly said, outrageously stupid) arguments.

    Instead, let us focus on how to IMPROVE the hex system. You know what is vital for that? Give us back infulence, and make provinces which have no conection to the warpage have 0 infulence(like in lattice), make it so a province that is being currently contested gives 0 infulence(like in latice).

    I am tired and there are SO many more important ideas how to make hex good, we had MONTH of discussion on this before they all got burned down in favor for lattice. I once more apeal for wisdom.
  2. maxkeiser

    Keep it off Esamir as well, please. lol.
    • Up x 2
  3. Sapare

    I wouldnt mind that, and I know there is already a topic which is for that. this is just directly Amerish because Amerish is my "home" and in general it is less about "lattice bad-hex good" it is just, keep a balance, and fix hex.
  4. maxkeiser

    Agreed that Amerish doesn't need any improvement. It's great fun on Amerish - some of the best terrain and most varied battles there.
  5. Haterade

  6. Loegi

    Well, no. While Amerish has a way better battle flow than Indar had, it's still too easy to avoid big fights.

    If anything I don't see why it shouldn't get lattice. It hardly changes anything for the people that don't try to evade the battle flow anyway (ghostcappers).
  7. Sulsa

    ...and Infils like me are the ones that want to 'avoid fights'...

    I will agree that some may not like the lattice but as for understanding why they don't like the lattice I sincerely don't get it.

    AT ALL:eek:
  8. Teegeeack

    No, you weren't given three huge, varied continents just so you could have the choice as to where you want to go or who you want to fight. Follow the lines like everyone else.
  9. Wulfen109

    Im indifferent. But the thing is guys, the lattice system is the first step of a bigger plan. Lattice is supposed to work hand in hand with the future continent locking which will finally give planetside2 a metagame. The reason why people don't like lattice is because it's mission is incomplete. Just wait till they finally get all the updates on the roadmap out. This game is like a diamond in the rough