[Suggestion] Can TR Have Our Trait Back?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by QuantumSerpent, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. QuantumSerpent

    Section 1-
    1. No. The ratio of bullet damage to accuracy, as I calculated earlier in the thread, is identical to other factions' weapons. If we deal the same amount of damage, we do so with the same accuracy. We lose out somewhat at longer ranges due to single shots being less effective, but in exchange we get weapons like the SABR-13, in addition to being more forgiving at close range.
    2. The DPS between equivalent weapons is generally more or less even if you average it out. While we do lose in some categories (Carbines), we shine in many others (ARs, Armistice [> Cyclone for DPS]) and in many of our default weapons (CARV and Cycler > Gauss Rifle and SAW for DPS).

    Section 2-
    1. I've never seen an NS weapon that goes over... is it 652 or 698? One of those. NS weapons are by definition slow-firing and low-DPS, but accurate. Any remnants of this problem would easily be alleviated by boosting our unique weapons to 1000+ RPM.
    2. Our damage per magazine is fairly close to NC, less but more slowly expended per bullet.
    3. The Prowler isn't an automatic weapon. Not relevant here.

    Section 3-
    1. That's kind of what I'm suggesting, more or less.
    2. We would then be more accurate per amount of damage than any other faction. This would be a non-situational advantage.

    We don't need to burst any more than NC or VS does--less than NC, in fact, our bursts can be longer (in terms of the number of bullets).
    • Up x 1
  2. Saigak

    So the logic is simple - after SOE add MAXIMUM rate of fire mode for TR (coz bursting is not a trend 2day)...should they add for them auto aim button right? Okey.
  3. QuantumSerpent

    To clarify, I do not agree with any point made in that post (apart from "unique weapons", being the topic of this thread).

    Clarification probably not needed, but there have been many misinterpretations here, so better to be safe.
  4. Jolanar

    You are entitled to your opinions. My thoughts are based on personal experience and dealing with the horrendous horizontal recoil.
  5. QuantumSerpent

    Horizontal recoil is slightly worse on the Cycler, but vertical recoil isn't as bad. It still has the edge of higher DPS and is more forgiving to what misses that recoil will cause--the increased miss chance will be very low and you get off a followup shot in 2/3 the time. I don't think your miss rate is going to increase by 50%.

    Besides, for the (insert large number) time, this thread isn't about buffing or nerfing the TR in any absolute way. It's about emphasizing our faction trait without affecting the ultimate statistics (being DPS, DPM, accuracy-per-damage and recoil-per-damage).
  6. Flag

    I'll go out on a limb and say that this isn't really possible.
    Unless you can live with dropping down damage tiers.
  7. QuantumSerpent

    From the OP:

    ("Or better" refers to DPM, not DPS, though I forgot to clarify that).
  8. Flag

    As a VS, I don't see why you'd need even better DPM than you already have.
    But hey, that's just me.
  9. QuantumSerpent

    Compared to NC it's low. Though the intent was more along the lines of "If you can't have exactly 14,300, 14,400 is better than 14,200" (if you can believe me on that, given the general attitude of these forums... "Everything I use must be buffed or everything else must be nerfed!").
  10. AlterEgo

    Yes, please.
    Right after VS guns experience a RoF decrease and an accuracy boost. We all need traits, you know:p
  11. AlterEgo

    *Looks at Orion*
    I know what you mean. I too hate highly uncontrollable, high RoF fish weapons that are truly Terran weapons in disguise.
  12. QuantumSerpent

    That's NC's trait. You guys get... I have no idea. It's not that I don't care, but I honestly have no idea what your trait is supposed to be.

    Judging from the tears Forumside constantly produces about that weapon, I imagine changing it would please all involved parties (Can't say I've had a problem with it myself, but I don't do head-to-head combat if I can avoid it).
  13. AlterEgo

    1. Well, you know. Insane accuracy and mind-blowing controllability. Balanced damage (higher than TR, lower than NC), balanced dakka (lower than TR, higher than NC). Which brings us...
    2. The Orion. This has no place in an alien arsenal; too much bullet spewing, too much recoil for an alien gun, too much TERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sounds. If anything, we need more weapons like the Lasher or Polaris. The former is all about alien technology (so the devs could make a knockback cannon, a gun that runs on your shield, a pistol that deals more damage the less health you), and the latter is balanced fire power, which is balanced fire rate, balanced damage, along with higher accuracy and higher controllability.
  14. QuantumSerpent

    1. I suppose... that just seems kind of boring. I mean... just the middle.
    2. High-tech cool stuff I would love to see for VS. (I mean, really in 2845 we'll be far ahead of even the VS, but it's a start).
    • Up x 1
  15. AlterEgo

    Considering how we still use cartridges even in Halo's time (26th century), I'd love to see us fighting other human beings in order to control a planet whose resources we've already exhausted!:D
  16. Auzor

    This is how current balance works;
    750 rpm-143 dmg vs 600 rpm-167 dmg:
    TTK within 10m: very small advantage for the 750 rpm.
    Miss a bullet: 750 rpm advantage increases; that is to say, the difference in TTK becomes bigger.
    50% hitrate: 750 rpm advantage doubles.

    11m: both damage models need another bullet; 750 rpm pumps it out faster; advantage.
    nanoweave: both need 2 more bullets; again, 750 rpm advantage.

    --> Accurate 750 rpm weapons would be superior to 600 rpm ones at all ranges.

    There are some approaches:

    NC getting "gauss" weaponry, high muzzle velocity, and higher damage per shot. Example: 184 dmg/ shot. Say 550 rpm. So weapnry in between 2 damage categories.
    You still need an extra bullet inside 10m to kill a nanoweave target (but only 1; not 2), but you can kill in 6 bullets a normal target beyond 10m. Out to mid-range in fact.
    Most of the 652 rpm weaponry can use an accuracy buff. (most: don't want the NS weaponry; it already has the movement bonus)
    And/or applying a similar approach, TR could get "mid-range" weaponry; a 652 rpm weapon that deals damage in between 167 & 143 dmg. Even NC could use some of those too.

    Because these weapons have lower TTK inside 10m, it is fair if they are more effective at longer ranges.
    But, a 750 rpm, long range weapon simply isn't fair.
    The NS-7-PDW has 750 rpm, 125 dmg bullets, and it is quite "decent" out to medium range.
    A "long range" 750 rpm weapon would be something like 112 bullet damage, but no damage drop off, very controllable, high velocity.
    The Trac 5 TR carbine drops down to 112 dmg; "long range" Trac 5 would lose the horizontal recoil etc.
    Or damage in between 112 & 125.

    If 652 rpm weaponry becomes comparably effective to 577 rpm weaponry, the TR are saved for ranged fights.
    Theoretical TTK at range it is fine; so it is the accuracy of those weapons that would be the easiest point to fix.
  17. rahulr1

    Stop whining. You have 40 round magazines on assault rifles and carbines compared to the 30 of other factions. That's a MASSIVE faction trait. You've also got the fastest tank and ESF... There's more faction traits for you.

    NC have slow and powerful/hard-hitting as shown by the Vanguard and plenty of it's 200 damage weapons.

    VS are the ones with the trait problem, not any other faction. Fast reload? Not really. Accuracy? Nope. Agility? Only applicable to the Magrider, so nope. No bullet drop? Every weapon where no bullet drop would be useful has it so nope. Charge up? It's awful and can be ignored so nope.
  18. QuantumSerpent

    Hey, I didn't say VS is great either. That being said, NC is well ahead of either of us in uniqueness. (33 damage vs 54 RPM...). It's not like you can *only* buff the absolute weakest one. You bring everything up to the level of the best.

    By the way, your LMGs reload nearly twice as fast as TR/NC LMGs in many cases. So that's not a "not really".
  19. Isokon

    Name at least two...
  20. QuantumSerpent

    -Orion: 3.655s
    -CARV: 6.2s
    -SAW: 7.5s
    -CARV = 1.7*Orion (I did say nearly)
    -SAW = 2*Orion

    OK... I can't find any more (not counting Auraxiums)... but the vast majority are faster. And the defaults are going to get the heaviest use.