[Suggestion] Can there be a cool gun like this firing from Warpgate as a new War Asset?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Aug 1, 2024.

  1. AntDX316

  2. 23rd enigma

    Would be cooler if the devs removed Outfit OS and discount modules.
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  3. Amador

    I can you show something even better from a game made in 2006.
    Essentially depicting how Bastions in PlanetSide 2 should've worked long ago.

    Battlefield 2142 Titan Tutorial

    ... Reminds you how PlanetSide 2 doesn't have parachutes for players. You can't even melee kill an enemy player with your medic tool or repair tool like in other modern FPS games. Pretty boring, isn't it?

    Imagine if they actually developed PlanetSide 2 rather than failing at PlanetSide Arena in a saturated market.
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