Can someone tell me whether these specs are good as I am getting a new computer with them??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KyleClippers, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Elixx

    yeah, sell your *** on the streets if nessesary, you want to have atleast an better i5.
  2. KyleClippers

    Okay, Thanks for the help:)
  3. Sacarathe

    I like how you said nitpick, and then proceeded to only agree with me on the unnecessary components :)

    Though I should have been clearer that they were optional rather than what I wrote.
  4. heartlessphil

    I would also go for a core i5 25XX ou 35XX
    the GTX 660 ti will be good enough, but the GTX 670 is a sure bet.
    8 gb of ram is plenty enough.
    try a SSD hard drive if you have the $.
  5. heartlessphil