Can someone teach me how to hide below the ground and shoot up?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by QFAN, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. QFAN

  2. AltMelodium

    I like how quickly you assumed it was hacks and reported him. Most likely a bug/exploit.
  3. Cinc

    Thats likely why its in the tech support forum...

    Anyway, someone who blatently abuses a bug/exploit still deserves to be reported.
  4. manfromh

    Judging by what the guy says in chat I would think he is knowingly hacking. Also, report spam is not nice.
  5. Oraculum

    Yeah that was definitely a blatant exploiter. He deserves the reporting.
  6. Crazedmonk86

    Spamming /report wont get it noticed any faster they may even suspend you for spamming their system like a noob. While he is clearly exploiting a bug or using a hack you still should not spam report.