Can i get a cert Refund for the foregrip/compensator...?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BrB Stove Exploded, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. BrB Stove Exploded

    Again your simply posting FPS 101. How does this relate to the topic at hand which is:

    Foregrip/Comp do not work on semi auto weapons.

    Next are you going to link me a video explaining how resources work?
  2. Aaralyn

    Compensator works on me SABR-13. It's minimal but it works.
  3. GDiesel

    I put a compensator and foregrip on my Cycler S and Carv S and noticed nothing.
  4. BrB Stove Exploded

    Again your experiencing a placebo effect. Your brain simply doesnt want to admit that you wasted 100 points.
    • Up x 1
  5. BrB Stove Exploded

    This is what most people find.

    Agian the main reason Grip/Comp DO NOT WORK is the Recoil Compensation system they put in after beta. Compensate with your mouse to aim and you will know your mouse shoots downward after you quit firing. This is the recoil compensation system they added for SEMI-AUTO weapons, that effects automatic weapons as well.

    So basically the forgrip/compensator do not get taken into account because the recoil system itself overrides it.

    These attachments DO NOT WORK. They did not test the recoil compensation system enough in beta. They put it in 2 weeks before release. Then it was taken out due to outcry by everyone. Then for some reason they slipped it back in on release.