Can I get a answer for the PS4 version? it less then 6 months give me something

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. CEGrif

    expect in the end it was not cross platform they could not get it to connect to the test server
  2. Bush82

    it will have full servers.
  3. P4nda

    For anyone who cannot use Google, use the search function on Forumside or for any other reason: PC gamer's "destroyed" console gamers.

    The decision to keep the two systems separate is not a business reason, though it is a technical one because of a thing called aim assist.

    Now, swallow your console pride a little because this is going to hurt a little bit.

    In the gaming industry, specifically the FPS genre on consoles, exists aim assist. It's kind of self explanatory - the closer your get to the target with your reticule, the more the game engine helps you with lining up your target. Some console FPS' have more aim assist, some have less and some allow you to adjust it. But it's still there. The reason for this is because of how we decided to make console controllers. Thumb sticks are inherently bad for twitch play. They are not sensitive at all, and our thumbs are the least dextrous finger on our hand, so you could imagine how sloppy console FPS's would be without aim assist. It's a must to be competitive. This is fact, not opinion. You're talking to a veteran FPS player, console and PC.

    Now we come to the PC. Because mice are; controlled by all five fingers and not just the thumb, intuitive, fast and precise, aim assist does not exist in our domain because no one needs it. Simply put: KB&M are leaps and bounds over console controllers. Frankly, it's king.

    So, let's merge the two together.

    Well... history tells us you can't. At least not fairly, and not until the console players start to throw up red flags. You cannot have aim assist for console players, yet no aim assist for the PC players, in the same engine, for the same game. You must therefore eliminate aim assist all together, and where does that leave the console players? Dead, with a ten second respawn timer. Over. And over. And over. It just is not competitive, as bad as that sounds to console diehards (should've bought a PC).

    To quote the article I linked:
    tl;dr - PC gamers would have an unfair advantage - not because of the players, but because of the equipment at hand. It is because of this (despite their press releases), that SOE has decided not to merge them together. In all honesty, I wouldn't want to play against PS4 players because it just wouldn't be fun. Twitch play is near non-existent for them and they'd eventually all quit out of pure frustration.

    I have never bought a console since the original Xbox for this reason. PC gaming is where it's at, and where it will always be. If you want to log into a game where everyone (12 year olds during christmas holiday) and their fat cat is playing, buy a console. If you want a more mature, collected and generally of better skill, go PC.

    I wish people understood that consoles are dumbed down PC's for mass consumption. They're cheap, inexpensive running hardware that I wouldn't have bought even 2 years ago. Have fun switching from PC PS2 to PS4 PS2 everyone and starting over with the COD kids - I know I wouldn't.
  4. St NickelStew

    But what about the people who currently play PS2 using a controller; how do they fit into what you describe? In a game like PS2 where tactics and coordination are important determinants of victory, twitch skills matter less than in other FPS games. People currently play PS2 on PC using controllers, and more will be likely to do so once better controller support is implemented when the PS4 version is completed.

    Not to worry ... I don't have any desire to play with/against PC players; if I did, I would buy or build a gaming PC. Personally, I am thankful for PC elitism because it causes me to not want a gaming PC.

    On the other hand I *am* surprised at the antagonism some (so many?) here have for the PS4 version. PC players want more content ... PS4 players will help fund it, and in all likelihood will do more to fund new content development than PC players. It is pretty normal for console versions of video games to be more profitable than the PC versions -- even FTP games (like Warframe).
  5. Phyr

    Show me someone that uses a controller, and I'll show you a .3 k/d and sub 80 SPM player that has most likely quit already out of frustration.
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  6. St NickelStew

    There is at least one person on these forums who has spoken of playing with a controller. I have no idea of his/her K/D, but I have the clear impression the individual continues to play PS2 and is having fun. My apologies if that is not consistent with your expectations.

    Additionally, a dedicated medic can have better than an 80 SPM ... one doesn't need a mouse to aim a med tool (or throw out an ammo pack). There are many people who continue to play PS2 despite poor PCs and/or low framerates that prevent them from being competitive one-on-one. Why would playing on a good PC but with a controller be any different? There are many ways to have fun and to contribute in PS2.
  7. P4nda

    We love the fact that PS2 will be spreading to more homes, more people and more wallets. Just as you said - they'll be the reason we are able to download more content. But if they're playing on a PS4, please don't put them into the same cage as us.

    PC elitism in my opinion is not fair. At least not when I point out the fact that you most likely only own a PS4, not both. Why is that? Why the PS4 favoritism? You must be a PS4 elitist then for choosing a PS4 over an XBox One. Logic.

    No, more logically - you noticed and approved of the obvious benefits a PS4 has over the XBox One whether it be software, hardware or both. We PC "Elitists" notice and approve of the obvious benefits a PC has over the PS4, XBox One and Wii U, and we just happen to have money to throw around.

    Edit: I have PL'd public platoons for T42 on Connery for a period of 4-5 months. With a very active Platoon Comm channel, I have never once caught wind of or talked to anyone that uses a console controller to play this game on their computer.
  8. Phyr

    If you're a masochist, maybe.
  9. andy_m


    Actually, neither of us knows for sure how it is going to pan out on the PS4.
  10. Bush82

    briefly is enough for me, i miss launch/beta times of this version. plus i like playing games with a controller on the 50" tv sometimes.

    to the guy saying why would anyone play a pc shooter with a controller, the answer is simple..some people prefer it and couldnt care less about K/D or being a try hard. my xbox playing mate plays my bf3 with one and enjoys it.
  11. andy_m

    Fair enough. We all have our own opinions and preference, and sometimes we forget that.

    I sincerely hope you enjoy it when it is released.

    I get the 50" TV thing too. I do the same now, from time to time. A laptop is similar to a console, except at least I can use my keyboard and mouse.
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  12. Bush82

    it's a great game that everyone should be able to play regardless of their platform choice. i play on the laptop too when im away from home. with the ps4 i might even get the girlfriend playing, she likes Halo so i'l buy her a ps4 if she gets hooked :)
  13. St NickelStew

    Actually, I have owned both XB1 and PS4 since day of release. :-D The PS4 has become my primary platform largely because PS2 is going to be exclusively on PS4, and is *the* game I am looking forward to.

    I have money to throw around (a quick visit to my house would make that pretty evident), so I sincerely thank all who have saved me from throwing my money away on a gaming PC (even some who have commented in this thread).

    Just because a mouse is more precise than the right thumbstick does not then make controllers trash and FPS games unplayable. Consoles offer some benefits, too -- a more level playing field (I am not getting killed because someone has a better rig and therefore frames than me -- talk about pay to win) and less prevalent hacking.
  14. Dominator589

    To be honest, I'm less accurate with a mouse, but more reactive with one and vise versa with a controller. This is without aim assist by the way, and yes you can turn that off in most FPS shooters these days. I don't think aim assist is that big of a deal because, at least with me, I play perfectly fine, with or without it. To be honest, it's kind of like playing without a HUD. Same sorta draw back but it doesn't take away the skills that you've learned over your FPS career.
  15. Bape

    Who said anything about a merger? I just want to transfer my character to the PS4 version.
  16. Bape

    Yup I can confirm this as well that higby said that now they are saying it not?
  17. Dominator589

    Higby himself
  18. Bape

    Yes I want radarx or higby to explain what happen here. I don't care about my character I just want everything I purchased with my SC to transfer over.
  19. Dominator589

    Now i wonder how they're going to set up the callout system. Hopefully the touchpad will be implemented like it is in warframe
  20. Flantastic

    I think a lot of the PC community underestimates the hardcore console community. I was a PC gamer(Unreal Tourney 2004 was my all-time favorite) but switched to console when having a family came into the picture. I play all my games(especially Battlefield) on hardcore, where accuracy and one shot kills matter. And I can honestly say I prefer the feel of the console controller in any situation. You're right, I too was more reactive with a kb+m and not necessarily more accurate, especially when sniping, but would definately acquire my target easier. If I've learned anything from the console it's that there's ALWAYS a respectable player base no matter the game and that the controller can be just as deadly as a mouse in the right hands.
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