Camo ScreenShots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Mark467

    After reading this whole thread I have one question:
    India Shrub or Giraffe for Indar
    Rock Tundra or Northern Forest camo for Esmir
    Scrub Forest or ____ for Amerish
  2. Jac70

    My view is Northern Forest is slightly better than Rocky Tundra for Esamir. On infantry Rocky Tundra is so bright it's almost luminous. On vehicles it works well. For troops I think the standard outfit works best unless you intend to spend lots of time out of buildings, as an infiltrator for example.. Northern Forest would then my my choice.
  3. Mark467

    So Northern Forest for infantryRocky Tundra for vehicles?
  4. IshanDeston

    Could we have some more pictures of Sunderer and Lightning with Camos please? Maybe the occasional vanguard.

    Also, what Camo works the best on Amarish, for vehicles?
  5. Mark467

  6. supahitecjetfyta

    Northern Forest

    African Forest
    MAX African Forest
  7. lsp1

    Prepare to be spammed.
    ^ this one did have a gun camo, but a trial gun got rid of that for me.
    That's not even all of them.
  8. supahitecjetfyta

    Sundy Northern and African Forest

    Flash Northern and African Forest
  9. Mazzar

    Request: TR Northern Forest

    This whole thread seems to be dominated by NC and Vanu
  10. IshanDeston

    Woodland Sunderer and Lightning
    Arid Forrest Sunderer and Lightning
    NC Arid Forrest Engineer
    NC Urban Forrest Reaver and Liberator
  11. IshanDeston

    Would have been nice if that spam had gone along side with lables of what those pictures show. Like for example, what camo does the sunderer have?

    Just posting pictures doesn't help anyone. It should come with an explanation of what the camo is.
  12. HLM

    Request: All your screenshots!

    If you can provide a complete set (all classes) I'd like to add them to the PS2 Camo Preview Project
  13. lsp1

    OP asked for camo screen shot's so that's what I posted. I'm not here to help you decide what camo's you want to spend money on. And nowhere in the op does it ask for me right a description for every picture.
  14. Kroktar

    i wish there was more vehicles camo SS here :(
  15. Vedo

    • Up x 1
  16. Being@RT

    I guess we were lucky that you posted camos from PS2 instead of any other game with infantry/mbts/etc ?
    • Up x 1
  17. Mark467

  18. Mark467

    • Up x 2
  19. Warwolf72

    About time someone made a "good" video with camo, tired of searching online for a good pic of a camo on any vehicle, now to just get the TR and VS done, great job.
  20. HLM

    Warwolf, with your selection of NC camos, you could make a big contribution to the PS2 Camo Preview Project! Let me know if you're interested.

    For anyone unaware, the above linked project has got previews of every camo on every class for the TR, with armour/ helmets, and a good selection of VS and NC too. Vehicles are currently being added too.