Camo and Composite armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ozrik, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Ozrik

    1.) Camo doesn't work on helmet? Obnoxious trying for desert look and have blue and white helmet sticking out like a lightbulb "Hey i am here, shoot me!".

    2.) Composite armor looks great, problem is decals don't show on it. Be nice to show off rank and achievements on Composite armor.
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  2. Riekopo

    I don't like how when you spend you hard earned cash on camo and it doesn't even fully camouflage you...listening SOE?
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  3. Roobarb

    Two very fine points there OP.

    I heartedly agree with your second point. It seems such a waste not to be able to show off your decals when wearing composite armour.
  4. StarRaven118

    Oh god...

    Because you NEED to show your faction colours!
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  5. Wrek

    a short simple topic to the point. me gusta.

    I agree fully.
  6. Kristan

    That would be too much unfair. Players won't be visible at all. For now camo provides enough blending. Also those parts without camo helps to recognise factions. If everyone will be fully covered in camo people will shoot each other just in case.
  7. Stanis

    I think the faction specific camos look better in general because they compliment the fixed aspects of the armour.

    We werent expecting anything geuninely camouflage were we? I figured each faction would still be obvious or camo is more than 'cosmetic'
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  8. Kongstad

    Try the AMS. Full green camo. HUGE BLUE AND YELLOW BACKDOOR LOGO. Even on the weakest spot on the damn vehicle.
  9. Rolfski

  10. G1n

    that would be pay2win.
  11. HvcTerr

    One objection: Certain helmet features are important to preserve class-distinction. In particular, the "white forehead" of all medics is important.
  12. Kristan

    Wrong. NC look in camo pretty decent too. Furthermore NC camo covers way more armor than TR. The only ones who really look ridiculous with camo is VS.
  13. Rolfski

    I guess you didn't check the NC faction specific camo then, it's pretty painful on the eyes
  14. Kristan

    Faction specific camo is useless. I'm talking about environment blending camo.
  15. Vreki

    As a medic I strongly disagree. A Helmet without the "shoot me here" sign would be SC well spent.

    But otherwise I agree, if you look at you will see that most camos are shared between factions, so we need to keep the distinctive parts of the uniforms.
    And to be honest, I prefer a game where it is no all about hiding and camping, so I dont like camos that hide the user.
  16. Ozrik

    Not about being able to hide its about custom look and having it uniform so it looks cool, the terrain is broken up enough so even with camo its pretty easy to spot players.
  17. Ozrik

  18. NoDachi

    Camo is purely aesthetic.

    You're all kidding yourself if your desert skin was to stop you being Q'd.
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  19. HvcTerr

    No, it's important for friendlies to be able to distinguish nearby medics, and it's important for enemies (the ones who invest the time and effort) to be able to see which of the squad is a priority target. You might not like being singled out, but that's the necessary downside of the medic's enormous capacity to bring a whole squad back to life after an assault.

    Besides, by the time anyone is paying attention to foreheads, they've probably already seen you.