C4 Greifing good vehicle players.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by grazr, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. grazr

    I've been noticing more and more (and also been on the receving end of) FF C4 incidents.

    I've been witness to particularly well versed tank players racking up enough XP per life to warrant high threat values and when they become increasingly problematic as they attract players to their competency and ability to get things done... suddenly you'll have a player jump out of nowhere and C4 them to death and then log off.

    I've noticed this even more when someone finds a good sunderer position. I've seen it happen to other players when assaulting the Crown but there's a particularly good spot at Ti Alloys i discovered that i had the Hex bulwarked for the better part of 2 hours, sandwhiched between a TR and VS assault involving multiple Platoons. I racked up about 50 certs in that time off all the sunderer spawns, ammo replens and MAX heals. Then a new team player joins the frey and C4's the sunderer and logs off.

    It's really frustrating, especially when it's difficult enough as it is with a low battlerank and low cert count to invest in additional tool sets to get a string of XP going like that.

    It's a real copout way for a faction to get a one up on a particularly difficult defense and too easy for someone to lose a vehicle on a timer that costs more than half your vehicle recquisition pool. Vehicle on Vehicle FF makes little sense and Infantry on Vehicle FF even less so.

    At least some diminishing returns in damage to friendly vehicles would be nice so that someone can't C4 friendly vehicles in one go.
  2. SmellyBoots

    I would usually say get mine guard but if it is a tking problem and you want to run ammo that is kinda ******.

    you can either report the low BR player as SOE should ban the account for awhile or whatever they do. I can understand the problem though as the player that killed you vehicle name is not posted to you.

    Perhaps SOE should make a list of all the players that have killed you vehicles that you can access in your personal tab.

    Cant say I see this happening often though
  3. AnnPerkins

    c4 is 200 certs for one brick and the two it takes to destroy a full hp vehicle is 700. So, it's not just some guy creating a character on the opposite faction. From my experience, if your vehicle gets c4ed by friendlies you probably deserved it. Not many people have the patience to save up 700 certs and 200 infantry resources to TK some shmoe.
  4. ShayeUK

    Since TR have been controlling the crown on Ceres a lot lately I've seen several people FF the sundy to deploy their own. This pisses me off the most.
  5. DirArtillerySupport

    On announcement day many moons ago when they announced F2P many of us saw the avalanche coming....now we're all stuck in it and there is no getting out. Reporting someone would be futile until SOE sorts out their mess.

    Does the death window show friendly damage mixed with enemy damage when you die? I mean is there a clear indication that you've been damaged by so and so on your own empire and finished off with by enemy fire? I haven't noticed.
  6. Disparu

    Generally these sunderers getbtkd because they are in terrible positions deliberatly designed to harm their own team to farm certs. The fact yours was there for 2 hours proves it. Sunderers need to push, advanace with the front line and NOT block other people trying to do this.

    Ive seen front lines grind to a halt on a hill because the sunderer placement basically forces them to suicide if they push further.

    Its not the other team going to effort to kill you. They could drop in and mine/c4 anytime they wanted. Its your own team telling you you dont know how to play. Take the hint.

    The crown isnt hard to take, just push instead of camping.
  7. Daemeon

    No excuse to deliberately TK a friendly Sundy. If you think that it is in the wrong position then say something. Just because YOU think it is bad does not make it so.
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  8. Zhorg

    Mmm - Not really - all you need is a character with 200 certs on the opposing faction.

    Just spawn where the annoying sunderer is - put up a c4. Blow it up, resupply at that same sunderer for another c4 - repeat as many times is needed.
    As most twinks aren't played that much, they're just left there until another annoying sunderer shows up. By the time you'll need him again, the infantry resources would be back at full.

    So yeah, Imo - making characters on the same faction, on the same server shouldn't ever happened :/. But it'll be hard to reverse it now..
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  9. Doublefrost

    There are times where you NEED to C4 friendly vehicles, like Sunderers. For example, when someone parks that AMS under a bio lab, nowhere near a top access on ATTACK side and everyone keeps spawning there and running around lost. All of them ignoring simple instructions on how to get up.
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  10. grazr

    The fact that my sunderer was there for 2 hours proves nothing. The sunderer was placed directly by a spawn behind our frontline on Ti Alloys, not The Crown. Any sunderer could have deployed forwards from this position, the difference was, wedged between 2 faction platoons no friendly vehicles could get out of the vehicle pad at all without being ganked by 10 Terran tanks seiging the spawn or VS from The Crown. This was not an assault, it was a defence and the sunderer was allowing people to spawn in faster to defend it than otherwise. There was no purpose to the TK as it did nothing but break the bulwark and lose us the hex. The sunderer was perfectly... even more than fine where it was. People were actively voicing how impressed they were with the sunderer spawn being where it was so i'm inclined to believe it wasn't an issue with another person wanting to put up a sunderer elsewhere when all other territory was controlled by the enemies.

    10/10 for troll.
  11. Tasogie

    I have started doing this, I admit, because of idiots who tk your tank to get in front of you or to get you out of their way.Thankfully on TR Briggs its rare
  12. Compass

    Someone in EXE team C4ed me yesterday.

    To be fair it was drunk platoon and we were all sort of derping around, though, so I didn't care too much.

  13. t31os

    Had friendlies C4 my sunderers before, primarily at The Crown. I'll lately i've been hanging around(happens far less when i stand watch), carefully watching every player, wait 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins(varied the time because i thought maybe it was just timing), the moment i leave the sunderer, and position myself out of view of my sundy(and the friendlies around it), BANG! GONE!... purely coincidence of course.. :/ (that it explodes the moment it's out of view). That said, i've seen people do it to others to, c4, rockets, you name it..

    I don't mind as much when the sunderer has been on the field 10+ minutes, because i can usually get another either straight away or very soon, but still, it's a bit cheesy and bad sportsmanship.

    I'm going to stop being so tolerant soon though....