[Suggestion] C4 fairies aiming up

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DorkSided, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. Problem Officer

    :eek:This :eek: again :eek:?
    C4 should be placed the same way as spotters/beacons/turrets.
  2. DeadAlive99

    I agree LA + current C4 is the biggest problem. I've been complaining about that for a long time. But I disagree that more than one class should have it. I'm the kind of gamer that favors strong class distinctions, but the devs here have gradually watered down the classes.

    I don't think medic should have C4 anymore than an Inf should have a rocket launcher or an HA have a revive grenade. It doesn't matter to me if non-jet classes have to 'run it in'. It waters down the classes, and personally I don't care for that. I say give it to either engy or HA and that's it.

    Of course, that won't happen. Everyone has gotten used to it and there would be a huge uproar when taking it away, so, in lieu of that, I like your #3 idea lot. They already implemented Engy disarm for C4 in the last patch, which I'm glad to see, plus they boosted the sundy shield against C4 a few patches ago, so it's obvious they've begun responding to C4 complaints. Maybe with enough discussion we can get them to implement your #3 idea.
  3. DeadlyOmen

    Whatever the other guy does should be 'balanced".