C is when the developer will he understand all the content of planetside 1? I find it sad that a go

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by math368, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. math368

    I am super disappointed with this update us of the mission of the final campaign nothing explains how to do them ... when the real content thinks of the small team climbing a big ship you can't too fabricate your request resources the colosussus even I am true on it I would wait more in a normal vehicle the colussus c is not the case too bad: (we would just increase the nanite ceiling for vehicles at 3000 steps and all 3000 could release a colosusse in the place reserved for the deployable outfit only an addition i really appreciated our needs a lot of new notably more anti-air defense why not antiair trourelle when a new turret for vehicles? when all the contents of planetside 1 on the plantide 2 of the new continants will be updated i am waiting for a similar oshur for capagne why did you shoot esamire? A special continant for the campaign i am disappointed i would also like to improve the terrestrial vehicle its boredom in able to climb slopes, infiltrator who can hack the vehicle why add d or the hacking system entered a building? a new vehicle, the Lodestartar is a single-crew vehicle that can lift and transport any land vehicle, including Main Battle Tanks and huge Battleframes, quickly and smoothly to any desired location. Vehicles mounted in the Lodestar can be ejected to “hot drop” to a location overflown. Upon landing, the Lodestar can also be used by land and air vehicles as a repair / rearm terminal.
  2. Zagareth

    God damn, learn to format your wall of text... I can't be bothered to read it!
    • Up x 2
  3. Demigan

    Here you go Zagareth! Although I'm not sure if this makes it any better...