Buying Guns is a huge waste

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkwulf, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Pikachu

    Maybe it was more worth in early days when all guks were 1000 certs or 700sc.
    • Up x 1
  2. Metalsheep

    The only guns worth spending real money on are the NS weapons. Not necessarily because they are super awesome, but because they are all competent, versatile, and unlock on ALL of your characters regardless of faction.

    (The NS Pistols and SMG are particularly worthwhile because you can use them on all classes as well.)

    If you find the NS weapons on sale, then its just all the more valuable to pick them up.

    NEVER unlock a NS weapon with certs. (Unless you really have 0 money to spend on the game.)
  3. Phyr

    No, derpenhiem. You made the statement "don't buy guns because they will be nerfed". That's a blanket statement. Of all the weapons they've released, a handful have been nerfed, some have even been buffed, therefore your "point" is inherently incorrect.
  4. innersphere1

    Market strategies man, market strategies.

    EX : i buy striker its op, they nerf it to useless, so now you want an annihilator , u dont have enough certs for it, u buy it with station cash......then they nerf it, another OP launcher is out........and you know how the story continues.
  5. Phyr

    I'd like to hear the rest of this story. It's like when they base it on a true story, but change the names and embellish a little.
  6. innersphere1

    i told u that was an example :)
    annihilator hasnt been nerfed..... YET
  7. Phyr

    Here's another example. They release a launcher, we'll call it the Lancer, and this weapon is underpowered and a waste of money. Then later on they buff it, but they don't change the price.
  8. innersphere1

    You are completely right, after the buff people will buy it.. then will be nerfed :D
    and the story goes on
  9. Phyr

    I feel like Bill Nye arguing with Ken Ham.
  10. Wildclaw

    The average character is about BR 50. That is 11000 certs from xp plus perhaps 1000-2000 from auraxium and login in bonus.

    Wasting 8-10% of your certs on a single weapon is a waste when there are so many useful non-weapon certifications in the game.
  11. vsae

    When I first joined, I too was under impression that buying guns with SC and certing the rest was good idea. Nah, totally not worth it. Default guns masterrace, plus you can easily get the certs needed for the other weapon while you auraxium the default one.
  12. Felkuro

    i shall forever buy my guns with SC. They nerf the weapons? big deal. Even with the nerfs its still worth playing with the weapons you enjoy playing with.
  13. Hiding in VR

    What makes you "like" a gun? For me, its largely down to the speed at which it kills things.

    Also: What makes something "OP"? Reading this forum, something is only "obviously" OP once SOE has decided to nerf it.
  14. DeadlyPeanutt

    lol.... this makes NO sense.
    people LIKE guns BECAUSE they're OP (mostly high damage and high accuracy). Why else would you buy a gun? because you like the sound?
  15. maxkeiser

    No more of a waste than buying a couple of pints of beer. Or buying a DVD etc etc etc.

    If you buy guns and get enjoyment out of them then it's not a waste.
  16. Prudentia

    They told you that could happen when you created your account...
  17. ncDieseL

    Purchased weapons are available on all characters, and NS weapons across all factions. SO, if you ever decide to roll an alt on a different server or different faction, those weapons will be available. This was a big factor in my buying decision. I play NC on Miller at the moment, but I've been thinking about creating some other characters on other servers, just to give some variety when servers have problems etc. Being able to have those purchased weapons available from BR1 is awesome!
  18. Sovereign533

    Actually... The Annihilator got nerfed a bit over a year ago if I recall correctly.
    The Annihilator was super OP and would destroy basically anything it could get a lock on. Then it got nerfed and the TR got the Striker that did about the same thing as the old Annihilator.
    Then the Striker got (finally) nerfed to bits, and now the Annihilator has the majorities preference again (as far as I can see for I don't play fascist). Not because it's OP, but because the Striker is considered sub-par.

    Stuff gets balanced, stuff gets fixed, stuff gets nerfed and stuff gets boosted. I buy items to support the game primarily. The moment that the game is not appealing to me anymore, or SOE really screws me over, I will quit and they will lose a trickle of money from me (Membership, boosts, occasional purchase of cosmetics and weapons).
    If you ask me, then if you have money to pay for a game you enjoy, you should. If you don't have money to pay for it, then that means I'm paying for you and that means that I want to get more stuff then you do.
  19. innersphere1

    Annihilator was not super op. It was super bad compared to others.. dedicated launchers like nemesis and hades used to do much more damage, 1400 or 1600 i dont remember well and they each used to cost 1000 certs, after i bought those they nerfed the price, and nerfed the weapons to 1000 dmg, 250 cost, and lowered the dumbfire mode projectile speed. Now nemesis and hades does 1000 dmg and can lock on only one thing, annihilator can lock everything and have less reload speed and does 1000 dmg too, with striker you have to mantain the lock on u cant reload or rockets are lost so its almost useless. Then yes now the anniilator is a bit op, but im sure after all the ppl buy it a nerf will happen.
  20. Pootisman

    Cosmetics are the most useless items to buy ...

    Paying 7€ for a texture which every experienced photoshop user can create in 5 min ... WTF? 5 years ago ppl would have laughed at you for even suggesting that. Before the big F2P wave, most games were modable and you could change textures, sounds and models how ever you like. FOR FREE.

    I remember when the first cosmetic item for Oblivion came out in ~2005 - a horse armor for 2$. All ppl i knew said "No1 would ever pay money for such items.". Things have changed a bit since then ...