Buying All Cert-Purchasable Items

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crackulous, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Crackulous

    How much would this feat cost? No, I'm not going to attempt this, just interested in knowing if anyone has calculated the total certification cost of all weaponry, their attachments, and class/armor/air wares, meaning a 100% cert completion. I don't know anyone that has come close to accomplishing said task.
  2. Sen7rygun

    I thought Vanu scientists were supposed to be good at maths.
  3. KenDelta

    Full 100% completion ? I'm assuming 300k certs or something , jump on the PTS and try it or ask someone to do so :<
  4. Crackulous

    Hahaha, I wish faction lore applied to reality.

    I think I'm going fail my first year Calculus course. Waiting for the results of my final, eh.

    Too much trouble, just deleted the client a while ago. Feeling lethargic.
  5. -MJ12-

    I think the reason why noone bothers to calculate it, is that it is getting more with every new weapon, vehicle, ability etc.
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    (Despite the name, it's legitimate)

    Certs required to max out each vehicle:
    Flash - 44,229
    Sunderer - 102,605
    Lightning - 38,021
    Vanguard - 75,081
    Reaver - 44,911
    Liberator - 74,534
    Galaxy - 68,867
    Harasser - 76,239

    Squad Leader - 1,660

    Now for infantry it becomes somewhat more complicated, because the site considers all attachments for every weapon on a per-class basis, so there will be some overlap in pistols, SMGs, etc. I'm not going to bother to check for all that, but you are welcome to do so if you wish. Ignoring that fact, here are the numbers:

    Infiltrator - 24,255
    Light Assault - 29,314
    Combat Medic - 29,265
    Engineer - 35,314
    Heavy Assault - 34,154
    MAX - 20,391

    Which gives us a grand total of: 698,840
    Or roughly 10 times the certs you gain by reaching BR100.

    Oh, and for the record, this excludes the cost of purchasing items with certs and only shows the amount of certs required for upgrades.
  7. Crackulous

    Goddamn, that's a ton of certs. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity, mate!
  8. Yuukikun

    You forgot to add the 100 000 certs for buying flashlights on every gun.