Burstfire Sucks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AnnPerkins, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Sinclare

    I use the carbine burst on my LA and for two very specific reasons.

    1) It's easier to get multiple (3) hits in succession and is more controllable.

    2) Ammo conservation. As a tree monkey with an ammo belt giving me extra clips I need to conserve ammo. Burst just chews through too much ammo for my taste. Since people usually don't see me, I live longer and since moving from where I am usually means getting spotted/killed. I can't count the number of times I've been still sitting in a tree after 30-50 minutes with no carbine ammo left, no c4 left, and out of pistol bullets waiting for a chance to go hunt down a sundie or spawn loc for resupply. Usually I just do a hot drop or re-deploy since it's easier and quicker.
  2. xen3000

    The random jumping left or right is the same on the Reaper, why should the SABR get special privilege? If your issue is with the automatic compensation getting in the way of your manual compensation make a post about that. They really had bad auto-comp back in beta and changed it due to player feedback. The first shot recoil is an issue for all guns when burst firing, whether manual burst or burst mode. Also a great example why <=> recoil sucks for long range guns.

    Didn't really play much BF3 at all, but that kind of artificial accuracy is imbalancing. SABR does 167, Reaper 200. 2 accurate SABR shots vs 1 accurate Reaper shot, the SABR wins at damage on target and has 10 more rounds in the magazine. Very stupid idea. A burst weapon can hit accurately if you aim at the chest and ride the recoil up. If you are still missing either get closer or switch to semi-auto, that is why it's available to you.
  3. Hoki

    I actually prefer emperor over the repeater now. Can get more headshots at medium range. I don't know why but I'm a really good aim with a pistol. When I pull it out, its like time slows down for me. I do think TR need a lower capacity gun, cause I cant click that fast while aiming well. The NC's starting 15 rounder is my favorite. Their 8 shot is my second favorite.