Bullet Drop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Cransoon

    It's entirely possible that the long trail on the end of the S1 makes it feel like there's more bullet drop/slower projectile velocity. Looking at the stats, they're identical, but for some reason, the S1 feels way slower. I concede on that point, I suppose. :p
  2. lawn gnome

    there might be a difference beyond the glowing finger of god that points to the exact position of the VS heavy, but i doubt it and see no reason why something like that would be done. of course i switched to the decimator long ago (no glowing arrow pointing to my location anymore), so things may have changed.
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  3. tf2hero

    there needs to be bullet drop on the TR/NC guns for the reason to give the vanu something as a faction trait and for sniper rifles less spam
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  4. Aaren

    It's not bullet drop that limits the effective engagement ranges.

    It's the stupidly low muzzle velocities, and redundancy of cone of fire bloom AND horizontal / vertical recoil. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The fastest assault rifle muzzle velocity in PS2 is nearly 300m/s less than a modern AR/M16/AK74.

    I actually crafted a rangefinder implant today, so I took the opportunity to use a few chargers and see if in fact - my concept of distance in the game was simply distorted.

    It was not.

    0-10m with an AR is easy pickings.
    10-50m is pretty comfortable.
    50-100m requires you to know where to lead - control your fire down to individual shots, or 2 round bursts.
    100-200m is pretty much sheer luck.

    The annoying thing is - contemporary intermediate rifles can commonly and reliably hit targets out to 300m+. And don't even get me started on the cone of fire mechanic. I actually appreciate the (vertical) recoil in this game. Some weapons have an annoying horizontal shake - but most have nice, distinct patterns that take time and skill to master.

    The COF however is completely illogical for anything except perhaps hipfire. Bullets don't exit barrels at increasingly larger degrees of variation in the real world - with the possible exception of when a barrel has overheated and literally begun to warp or melt. We already have this nice, beefy recoil trying to vary our aim - why also have this illogical cone of fire nonsense.

    In terms of vehicles I'm not quite a certain of my position. The current muzzle velocities for things like tanks - are ridiculously low - even moreso than infantry weapons (we're talking 1000m/s off). While this is unrealistic, I do feel it takes more skill and strategy to lead slow moving projectiles onto mobile armor - than shells that move at nearly 5x the speed.

    So in conclusion:
    • Bullet drop isn't the issue - bullet velocity is.
    • Cone of fire is redundant and an unessacary accuracy penalty on anything except perhaps hipfire.
    • Vehicle weaponry is even more out of spec than infantry - but this may actually be enhancing the skill ceiling.
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  5. Matt879

    Why do people claim that bullet drop is a balancing factor? With the high-damage ES BASR there's practically no bullet drop anyway, and BASR are the only weapons where it would actually matter. My main might be VS, but I've played enough with NC and TR to tell you that bullet drop doesn't matter at all. The VS got the ****tiest faction trait, especially since we have to sacrifice bullet velocity as a tradeoff, something far more important than bullet drop in a game where COF and jumpy recoil makes engagements over 100m mostly luck anyway with most weapons.
  6. lawn gnome

    infantry only render out to 350 meters in this game. after a few minutes of google research it looks like standard U.S. combat infantry are required to hit targets out to 300 meters without the aid of sights during qualification. engagement ranges in PS2 are incredibly small and realism has been completely abandoned in a lot of cases. this is not even remotely close to a MilSim in any respect.

    don't try to make a realism argument because most won't listen and don't care.
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  7. Demigan

    You might not notice it, but even at shorter ranges it can mean the difference between a headshot or a torso shot, which makes all the difference in the world.

    It also makes a huge difference at longer ranges. Right now you won't take a lot of shots at range simply because too many factors: enemy movement, bullet velocity/leading and the amount of bullet drop you need to counter. Take one away and people would be much better at longer range battles, which isn't such a good thing as now skill matters a lot more.
    If not all the above, think about tank battles! Unless you are standing against someone it makes all the difference in the world! Just imagine an anchored Prowler somewhere who didn't have to take bullet drop into account... Tank sniping would become too powerful, ranged fights would be determined more by muzzle velocity and who surprises his enemy from range.
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  8. Peg

    Bullet drop makes a big difference in sniping. IF you remove it snipers are going to get a lot more headshots.
  9. andy_m

    I can only assume you are talking about close range sniping (less than 150 metres).

    I play mainly NC Sniper with 4300 kills/43% accuracy/3800 headshots with the Longshot and 1100 kills/47% accuracy/1000 headshots with the Railjack. I can't say what percentage of those headshots are over 200 metres, but there are a fair few.

    I can therefore say, with confidence, that there is plenty of bullet drop. Don't get it right and your long range target gets away...
  10. Aaren

    *shrugs* I care, so I will continue to make it.
  11. Pikachu

    Cof is gun shaking while firing it. Donno how much that happens on real guns. The low tank shell velocity is probably to limit their AA capabilities. Real cannons and A2G missiles are faster than bullets.
  12. sindz

    Bulletdrop isnt a factor since the render range is only 300m in this game. This is why VS are so sick of their trait is pretty much pointless - and it to add insult to injury VS even get more bulletdrop and lower velocity on a number of guns/cannons because of this for reasons unknown to mankind.
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  13. DashTech

    I'd prefer that bullet drop is based entirely on an algorithm. Weight of the bullet versus it's velocity against gravity and friction. Otherwise, it's just an arbitrary handicap.

    Still, for those people who say it's irrelevant in this game: get out of the bio-lab.
  14. andy_m

    I've often wondered about that.

    I've only ever shot a .22 and .303 rifle, and that was forty odd years ago.

    I've always assumed that it was a built in inaccuracy while trying to shoot an automatic weapon from the hip. Am I right in thinking that the COF reduces while ADS (I love all these TLA's).

    I've googled "cone of fire" and unfortunately most of the articles are associated with computer games...
  15. andy_m

    I don't understand why peeps are saying this when, at over 200 metres, bullet drop does make a difference, unless all you are trying to do is land a percentage of body shots.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but at anything over 150 metres (probable less) we are looking at sniper range and single headshot kills. Anything else is just suppression fire (using automatic weapons). And even with some auto weapons I have noticed bullet drop.
  16. sindz

    And I dont understand peeps are saying bullet drop matters. When im using ns-11a/m/c w/e as my vs char, I never ever compensate for bulletdrop. On longrange engagement weapons that generally have high velocity you would never notice bulletdrop on ranges that would actually let you engage targets.

    And regarding sniping, thats an entirely different thing - which is also equal across all 3 factions.
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  17. andy_m

    Well... The only reason that I say "it matters" is because two thirds of my kills come from using a BASR. So I am biased, in that sense.

    At close range (whatever that is) I guess bullet drop does not matter.

    BUT, this whole topic is about when bullet drop DOES matter, whether it be for bullets or rockets.

    I'm not sure what you consider to be "longrange engagement," what distance are we talking about here? So, you've got me there...
  18. nehylen

    I think it's fine as it is. Indeed, it's utterly unrealistic, it's not even truly interesting on small arms(as i VS i find myself targeting at long range more easily with NS-11C/A and NS-15!), but it's one of those little things that makes the game assymetrical, and there's not enough of that in it.
    Also, while the small arms part of such a change would have rather limited impact, i suspect that would imply a lot of balancing measures on most AV weapons (be it MAX, tanks or base turrets), with some troubled times as far as balance would be concerned, then the outcry that usually goes with any kind of large scale balancing.

    The only weapons which i feel have way too much bullet drop, are slug shotguns. Those things already have such a slow traveling time, that even within their theoretical best effective range (10~20m), some good ADAD is just going to make them useless either way, so that 50cm drop added is plain overkill.
  19. Serialkillerwhale

    In many cases, CoF is just plain the gun being badly built.

    Example: the AK-47, AKM and AK-74 are designed for use by conscripts that don't know crap, so they have extremely large clearances between their parts so they don't jam, surprise surprise, this makes the parts shake around and the gun inaccurate.

    While other guns like the AR-15 family are far less prone to simply stupid design flaws, they still have the simple problem that bullets aren't perfect, and the battlefield aint no lab.

    A bullet might be sllighty lighter on one side, the gunpowder might push differently, so on and so on.

    There's alot of factors.

    Also: Vanu, for F***s sake don't try to ******** us with your "Bullet drop doesn't matter". It only doesn't matter when you're already at a range where missing is impossible.
  20. Noktaj

    So small arms bullet drop is almost negligible in most situations?
    And to think that's the VS faction trait... :rolleyes:

    But we are OP, didn't you know?

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