[Bug] Terminal Ownership/Deconstruction

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Roo_Original, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. Roo_Original


    It has been mentioned in various ways but not sure if this particular situation has been mentioned:

    - Upon getting your vehicle terminal hacked, and hacking back, you lose ownership of it and cannot deconstruct.

    - Fix: Make it possible to deconstruct all faction owned buildings within your own Silo's range. If that Silo is owned by me, let me remove ANYTHING built inside. Make it so friendlies who DO NOT own the Silo cannot deconstruct ANYTHING within that Silo range, regardless of whether they purchased and placed it by themselves/with their own ant.

    Give power to the owner of the Silo. If a friendly has an issue with their buildings being deconstructed, they can go build their own Silo and have their own power to remove as they please. Additionally, with strict permission per player, you can give squad members permission to add/remove buildings.


    • Up x 1
  2. VakarisJ

    Already made a post about it two days ago.
    • Up x 1
  3. Roo_Original

    Upvoted yours too.