I've only noticed this issue since earlier this week (post-patch I want to say). I have run into 2 instances where my squad's sunderer disappeared after being deployed. My friend who spawned it still had the timer and HP displayed but we simply could not find it. In addition to strange disappearances, it is difficult to get in or access the equipment screen. I was sitting there for at least 5 minutes pressing E from different distances and sides of the vehicle to no avail. I notice that terminals are sometimes challenging to access as well where the text displays that you are in proximity to access/hack it but when you press/hold E nothing happens. It could be related to this. Anyone else notice these things happening? I don't mind a cloaked sunderer but I would love to get back in it
A similar thing happened to my mosquito. I bought a mossie from the warpgate, flew around for a bit, noticed that my HUD still thought I was at the TR warpgate even though I wasn't. When I exited the plane it just disappeared. Still had the timer and HP display like your friend.
I've noticed each of these in the past two days. Yesterday, a sundy stopped responding to the 'E' key. There were many of us around it and nobody was able to to anything with it. Today one that I had spawned disappeared after I deployed it and got out. Same thing as your friend, the timer and HP were still there, but the vehicle was nowhere to be found. The steering wheel icon was not on my HUD and it wasn't on the map anymore. When I tried to spawn another one, I couldn't because of the cooldown timer.
It's a new bug after the updare #1 for me. Vehicles randomly deconstruct themselves when I exit but the health/timer icon is still on my HUD. Sometimes vehicles just stop responding to interactions. Neither me or my squadmates can get in them. Please fix as it's annoying to have your expensive galaxy bug out while on a mission.
thank goodness i'm not the only one to see this bug. i have only noticed this after the Game Update #1. i'll deploy a sundy and it'll vanish from thin air, or it will be there but nobody can access or spawn on it. and Have also encounterd this bug with the liberator and galaxy as well. please fix!
Yep, the Sunderer disapearing/ not working happened to me and my squad once, So we got out of the sunderer and it was deployed but e wouldnt do anything, Then a few mins later of us fighting near it and using it as cover it randomly disapeared and same as u guys, the thing on the right for the guy who brought the sunderer was still there but there was no steering wheel for him. Its probably a coding bug. hope they fix this soon. (Note: We were playing on briggs cuz we are aussies