[BUG] Region chat works maybe 30% of the time (/re)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by fish998, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. fish998

    Not much more to say really, /re hardly ever works. I don't want to use a /yell just to tell people where an enemy sunderer is (that would cause people to look for it at every base), and I've no idea what range /say has, presumably less than 10 metres, so region chat is really useful for strategic stuff, especially since most players in the game seem to be disorganized randoms (like me).

    Yes I can just spot the sunderer (and do, repeatedly), but people don't seem to look at their minimaps.

    Please make it reliable. When it's not working, trying it again doesn't help, it seems to stay broken for hours.
  2. TheCuqui

    Seems to be an old known bug. I can use /re for a while (actually, ALWAYS works for me after relogging), maybe 4-5 times, but when I use /re many times or I move to a different region it stops working, *forever* (until I reset). Already reported the bug, but reading the boards looks like an old issue.
  3. fish998

    Thanks, but in my case even the first time after logging in it almost never works, including when I just tried it tonight. Probably the last 5 times I've tried to use it, it hasn't worked.
  4. Skuggi

    yup happens here too, sometimes relogging fixes it, sometimes i login and no /re
  5. Vanuub

    Old bug.
    It worked reliably in beta but got broken at launch and has been like that ever since.

    Doesn't matter if you use /re or /regionsay, they are equally broken.
  6. Hydragarium

    The issue has been re-reported to the devs (via the CSR crew here on the forums) recently - I believe we had a big thread on it last week with Sean?
  7. fish998

    Bumping this thread to add some extra info - tonight I had /tells completely stop working as well, so it's obviously the whole chat system that's buggy. /region chat still hasn't improved btw, broken 80% of the time.

    It's kinda important that we can communicate with each other SOE. Please fix this :(
  8. Psyten

    Yep im tired of trying to use region to help faction but mostr of the time it doesnt work

    really damn frustrating
  9. sauna

    Seems like /re never works for me when I'm in an orange/red alert hex. As soon as I move to places where there's no zerg it works fine.
    Chatserver can't handle outputting /re to 297802898 players? :)

    Integrate IRC into PS2!