Bug- No damage when firing riffles

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Deschain, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Deschain

    Had this happen to me twice lastnight while fighting at Rashnu and Crown, Weapons would fire but would not register hits or damage. Only way to fix was a complete restart of game.

    Anyone else experience this?
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  2. BadLizzard

    yes had this after playing for a while tonight, everything was great then all of a sudden I got no hit indicators. Not sure what caused it. Had to restart my game to make it work again, was very frustrating and I was starting to think people were using invincibility hacks.
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  3. Grimzz

    known bug..
    reported several time..
    i empetied 100 bullet on 1 guy..
    the hit registered so late -_-'' more like server is delaying on registering the hit..
    as he kill me..i kill him like 10sec later..
    and im the one shooting first..and looks like on his screen there is no bullet..as he didn't notice me before he turn around facing me(im right behind him)
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  4. Thenlar

  5. Asimplicity

    Same here. So sick of it!
  6. BadLizzard

    seems to be happening every night now at some point, what sucks is that it always costs me a couple lives before I restart the client, I am just not willing to accept it. What really drives me nuts is when you walk up behind someone, have them dead to rights blast them in the head and ..... no hit indicator... sigh.

    I really hope they address this issue sooner rather than later.
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