Session #1 Low quality Texture: this is something I only just experienced with one weapon, so reliability of this one is pretty low. I was using the kobalt on the flash and I noticed that the texture quality was really basic, like the belt leading into the gun was just a curved block, but the basic shape is still there. I've been reading the other posts saying that the sunderer is having texture issues as well. Design oversight: on the way to the new satellite facility of Allatum from Ti Alloys, I encountered a steep bump on the road when going uphill. While this may not affect large vehicles as much, I think flashes are going to have a problem with this sudden steep "speed-bump". Flattening it out should not be a hard task to fix. Invisible wall: This is the first real bug I've encountered while playing the server. On the Hvar tech plant (Vehicle Spawn side on the bottom), while I was running to the generator, I've hit an invisible "corner" just outside of the right shield doorway. It can be shot through, and with a clueless person just hitting it getting stuck, it'll leave the person being an open target. Symbol change: On all tech plants, the symbol for the galaxy terminal has changed to the ones of the other aircraft terminal. This can be confusing for some people as it can lead them accessing the terminals only to find it only spawn galaxies.
I was about to write down about clipping through the bottom of the pads (not the main pad, the base of it), but it's happens everywhere on the real servers, such as clipping grass inside building, so I don't think it's report worthy. (plus it looks like wind blew dirt over it)
Session #2 Symbol position: while looking at the ammo spires (Vehicle Ammo Depots), I noticed that the symbols are underground compared to the one at the main servers that are at least above the base of the towers. This can be confusing for some people, especially for facilities that have steep hills inside them. Texture Failure: I only just noticed these at Zurvan Amp Station, but it's happening everywhere: The guardrails everywhere are poorly rendered, like only outlined pieces of metal around a rectangle piece of steel. I also experience "seeing" through the interior of buildings, like at the amp stations and the warpgates. Since my graphics are not on high, I think this may be an unreliable report i.e. not everyone is going to experience it. Invisible Floor: when I was attempting to go through the tunnels at the Zurvan Amp Station, the entrance had an invisible floor. I cannot go though it, therefore I cannot access the tunnels. I just noticed that the "floor" was correlated to the ground outside (seeing through the building reported above), so the cut through wasn't made. Player-side issues: when at Vanu Archives, an enemy's corpse just suddenly get revived and I naturally shot at him. He was standing still the entire time. When he revived again, one of my teammates was firing at another direction. Again, he didn't move. When the rocket pods were exploding outside, I noticed he died to it, while he was still in the same place. This seems to be a player-side problem and it can create a false sense of security for the person who just died behind enemy lines. Maybe this is a latency issue.
Session #3 (This is a growing trend) Second Shotguns: When I changed my class to the light assault who was equipped with the Blackjack, the weapon just disappeared. When I went to the depot and VR training, I noticed that it's not there are well. Did the devs remove this to balance it out? Broken Review Model: While looking at the preview screen for the classes, when I just had a preview of the composite armor, when I backed out of the screen, the model on the class screens just only shows a frozen model of the class with the composite armor, even when switching classes. This only happens if you exited while you "equip" the cosmetic item, but not when it's only the item on preview. Update - Invisible Floor: from the above post, access to the Zurvan Amp Station tunnels is completely blocked off: It appears that anywhere that uses tunnels in main facilities. In other words, the tunnels are useless in this server. VR - Exclusive "weapons": when I went to the VR to look at the weapons, I noticed many things "wrong" with the setup: Locked until clicked main build weapons and dev test weapons. The dev test weapons is interesting to me, such as the "Lightning Ball", but I cannot question them about their practicality, since I can't select or use them. Reading posts in this section of the forum, the MAX flamethrowers "work", but after use crashes the client.
A lot of those are trash guns, trashed concepts, or lulzy dev guns. Wouldn't take most of them seriously. Though, I do like the name of the "Bro gun"
Session #4 Broken Capture Points: While at the Tawrich Tech plant, while attempting to capture back the southern connection (don't know the name), I attempted to capture it at A, when the capture display didn't show up. I attempted to look at the most unlikely places to find it, but I needed a help of a fellow soldier to actually find it: right at middle at the top stairs near A reaching up to the top. From a previous session I also found another broken capture point south of the Mao Tech Plant (Still don't know the name, don't know if it was patched), only this time at the bottom of the stairs near the gate.
Broken Capture points: At crossroads, points (B) and (C) would not switch control. Invisible wall and no floor: At Dahaka Amp station just east of the western shield generator (the vertical one, I think) between the small buildings there. There is an invisible wall and trying to get around it will cause you to fall throught the floor. We managed to proc it several times. New base design looks awesome though
"Session" #5 "QuickDraw" switching: While re-capturing a biolab as an Infiltrator, I was running towards a satellite facility, and in force of habit, I kept switching weapons. I then just noticed that the recon dart sensor (with it's dart now visible again) and the pistol I'm using just changed instantaneously. I then changed to the Heavy Assault class since the LMGs were affected by the slower switching time, and still the same result. Now for the reason for the quotation marks on the "Session", and just for completion's sake: Cliff-fall Crashing: (cliff-fall because of the repeated impact of something falling off the side of a cliff) This has just happened recently to me, and I've been reading some of the posts about instability issues. When I was spawning in the VR as NC, I rushed towards the world warp terminal, with surprising success of getting out of the so-called place of constant crashing. It was not long after I just crashed when I got into my Reaver, crashed behind enemy territory, and got killed by a VS soldier. The spawning screen didn't load I got the dreaded "Planetside 2.exe has stopped working" warning. The second time I crashed was also has a bit of irony: I was killed by "Higby" and afterwards accessed a terminal to get a scope for my gun. It crashed there and then. I switched to TR to stop by to check about the "Underslung Chaingun" that was on the test forums in the VR: A BIG MISTAKE. Multiple time I tried the rush to world terminal thing I used to get out of the VR, with little success: every time the VR targets render, I get the crash warning. I'll attempt to do the terminal rush at a later time. The only way I can test bugs now are to use my NC character, delete my TR character and create a new one (while disbanding from my outfit), create a new character, and/or attempt to salvage my TR character from the "Virtual Prison" and continue testing with it. Shoutout to Higby to killing the sniper on top of Peris Amp Station Spawn Room. (I'm a bad shot, just so you know)
I too have noticed the poor textures, the Symbol change and position change, as well as the broken capture points and the Instantaneous weapon switches.
Session #6 Abnormal Bolt Zoom: When at the warpgate as my only playable character (the NC one) and firing wildly, I notices a timing specific bug for the infiltrator: If you switch your weapon while doing the bolt action while you're aiming down sights beforehand, the weapon/tool (the pistol and sensor tool) will be extremely zoomed in, as if the weapon was just underneath your chin, especially if you aim down sights. I only tested this with the SAS-R (for reference, it the bolt action rifle without a default scope), so I can't be really sure until I use the Bolt Driver. Dislocated Jump-pad: While recapturing the Allatum Research Lab (west of Allatum), outside the central building, there is a jump-pad on the left of the door if you spawn from the location. This jump-pad sends the person southeast to just outside the facility. Broken Peris Spawn Jump-pad: Peris on the other hand has both broken jump-pads that suppose to lead to the aircraft terminal. I was repairing everything in Peris Amp Station and I changed to my infiltrator class to re-hack the aircraft terminal to NC control, and attempted to go on the jump-pads: no results happened. I think that the dislocated jump-pad reported above is the actual jump-pad for here, but I cannot be sure. XXXX.XX/2.00 Generator/SCU time: When I was overloading a generator, I noticed that the time on the left is at and abnormal length, reaching days in measurements of minutes. This can be confusing, as the countdown timer on the left is from a common source and pauses when either the generator stabilizes or gets destroyed, and that the countdown is not accurate to the two minute countdown as shown from the right. Surprisingly, no crashes in my 1.5 hour session for me until I went to my TR character account. I tried to get my TR character from the VR, but still no dice on getting close to freedom. I need my phone call.
Session #7 "MAXimum Inability": While testing the NC and VS MAX abilities, the NC Riot Shield has no animation for activation other than the decreasing energy bar. The VS one however has no activation whatsoever: the ZOE Module is there, but there is no way to activate it. With all the MAX abilities exclusive to the VR, I cannot test if the defensive nature of the Riot Shield even works. "MAXimum Speed": The TR ability Lockdown does not do what it was intended: instead of locking down the character into the grownd, it instead locks down the velocity of the MAX. In other words, if I walk and activate it, I move in that direction at the same speed and I can still fire, even to the side and behind: this is a problem in terms of gameplay when a faster firing, further hitting, faster reloading TR MAX is coming down a hallway closing in on a group of soldiers with only a wall to stop the MAX, especially if the ability is at maximum certs. When I can fire is however something strange about the ability as it is: when I sprint and use Lockdown, I cannot fire as if I'm still sprinting: the state of the TR MAX before Lockdown determines what it can do. This session was later than usual for me due to Character errors before the 16th April patch, where I had three characters before and I cannot log in or create a new character.
Session #8 All of this is within VR facility, so no going outside to explore the new Indar map yet. Bugs "Shield for firing pin":When testing out the Aegis Shield for the first time on the NC MAX, when trying to fire any of my weapons, they fail to shoot. When I switched to another class, all of their weapons fail as well. I needed to log out just to fire with my NC character again. Design Oversight "Captain Hacks Sparrow":When testing the Sparrow, I notice one thing they do very consistently: they do the same damage as the Phoenix. With the extended mags on both Sparrows their Time-to-kill for both vehicles and infantry are extremely fast: 4 seconds for MBTs and instantaneous on infantry, even in close quarters: it's a silver bullet for the NC MAXes against everything. However, the slug attachment (don't know why it's there) decreases the damage for vehicles, significant enough for them to escape quickly and in this case, becoming fair. I suggest decreasing the extended mag to only 2 rocket compare to the 5 available by default. Area Lockdown: The TR MAX ability "Lockdown" gives a new twist in this update: every single weapons available to the TR MAX benefits from the ability, especially the NS-10 Bursters. This can be problematic, as the dual bursters Lockdown MAXs create an aerial dead space on wherever it is deployed, and with numbers, the TR MAXs can shut down all air units they see. However the Lockdown ability makes the TR max specializes in only doing one thing: Anti-infantry, anti-ground, or anti-air. The lockdowned maxes are also vulnerable to C4 and missiles from enemies, but the effort to eliminate the lockdown maxes is too high for anyone to try to do. I suggest having the Lockdown ability only working on TR-exclusive weapons.
Forgot to add these onto the list of bugs: Stun lock in VR: I notice now with the unlimited grenades, the flash grenade, and more importantly, the stun grenade is being used to grief, as it makes people become under the effects of the stun grenade. I had to redeploy to escape the effects of it, but with this kind of potential onto the live server, people will be stuck in the VR until the grenade spam stops. I suggest turning friendly fire off for the grenades being used here. Naked loadout: when starting out in the VR, the attachments on the guns are not rendered until un-equipped and re-equipped in a terminal: this is happening in the main build as well. Defense, performance, utility, and suit modules are also unequipped when starting a session.
Session #9 "Ti Alloys bridge is out of service": When making my from the Crown to Ti Alloys, I suddenly went into a depression in the bridge. The bridge looks like it collapsed and as a result I couldn't get my Harasser out, resorting me to driving my vehicle off the bridge to get it out. "Broken" Terminal: When recapturing the Saurva Southern Fortress, I notice something that only happened once: the destroyed vehicle terminal is being over-layered by what appears to be a neutral terminal. Repairing the terminal removes the neutral terminal, replacing it with a faction-specific one.