Buff ZOE pls! it sucks!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by teks, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. teks

    Hello. If you've read my title your probably ready for sheer stupid, well, I'm serious too ZOE is the worst ability in the game. We would trade it for NC shield ANY day.

    Let me introduce myself.
    I'm a VS engineer. I am a happy part of the 'adopt a MAX program', and I am here to speak on behalf of the poor VS maxes who have ZERO teamplay capability with their ZEALOT overdrive. (stupidest name ever BTW. What group would ever self-diagnose themselves as zeolots. We're SCIENTESTS jim!)

    Please for the love of god and all that is holy. Give the VS maxes something that helps them do what they are supposed to do.
    I'm sick of repairing them just to see them strafe away from a rocket that takes my head off.
    I'm sick of chasing them across the map.
    I'm sick of them running behind ME for cover.
    I'm sick of them dying to a single grenade because they are too zeolot to turn the thing off.
    I'm sick of them chasing after a single infantry and getting all our medics killed.

    Oh I know I know. ZOE is soooo OP. I understand most of you are ZZZEEERRRRRG, and all you see is that rogue ZOE running around at full sprint mowing everyone down, and you don't have a prayer of ever living after you see him.
    But some of us actually like playing as a squad. They are good on the attack, yeah, but on defense, ugh, they suck. They are pathetic. They get everyone killed, and eventually all the outfits engineers start to unionize, and refuse to repair any maxes until they turn the freaking ZOE off.

    Tell me, what benefit is there in dodging when your teammates behind you take all those hits instead?
    "Hah, guys did you see me dodge that rocket like a BOSS. Oh man I am awesome...Guys? Guys? Why U sleepin on the floors in blood?"

    Please go back to the drawing board with this one, and give us an ability that actually belongs on a max. This is coming from an unhappy VS player, ok?
    Listen well.
    Don't just nerf this until its effectively the same mechanical advantage as lumifiber. Give us something a max actually should have. Go back to the drawing board!
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  2. Regpuppy

    ZOE maxes could easily just turn it off if they want to sit there and get repaired. That or strafe in a very small arc in front of the engineer. Anyway you put it, and as much as I hate to say it, this is a learn to teamplay issue on part of ZOE's. I equate this to the average player running away from medics or spamming I need ammo when there's a box five meters away from them.

    I am assuming this is a serious post until the OP pops out and says trollolol or otherwise. :p
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  3. teks

    Give our magriders ZOE. :rolleyes:
  4. teks

    ZOE will be the same as the magriders. The other guys get tanks. We had a tank that could strafe. Strafe was OP now we just have a crappy tank.

    TR gets lockdown, NC gets shield, and we can...STRAFE. Strafe is OP. Strafe will get nerfed, and ultimately we will have nothing...Again.
    For once, just give us something that fits the role of the thing the ability is going on.
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  5. teks

    Lol, no totally serious. try to play VS engineer. Try it. Its HOOOORRRIBBBLLEEE
  6. Leonidas423

    I cannot stop laughing. I really can't.
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  7. KAHR-Alpha

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  8. Lividicus!

    This post made my day!
    ZOE needs to be buffed ASAP!!!
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  9. Serell

    So that's why I always feel like there's a lack of engineers when I get bored and go dual comet ZOE on my VS alt...
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  10. SpaceKing

    It's not Zealot Overdrive Engine, it's Zcience Overdrive Engine.
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  11. Lucidius134

    Sorry but TR gets lock down, NC get a shield, we get an ability that turns off our strafing. (serious)

    Had a good laugh at this one lol!
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  13. Sordid

    Oh yeah, because having an ability that locks you in place when you're the faction whose defining trait is speed makes total sense. :p
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  14. MrMurdok

    This is the best and most epic Forumside thread ever.
  15. Lamat

    Sounds like OP has lost his faith in Vanu...
  16. Lamat

    Hey, that was my idea TM.
  17. Chipay

    Well, having the worst bullet drop when you're the faction whose defining trait is no bullet drops doesn't make sense either.
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  18. Runegrace

    Solution: Give Zoe a duration/recharge as with Infil's cloak or HA shield. ZOE users would then have to think a bit about when to use the ability, and hopefully "while I'm being repaired" isn't one of those moments. Not that I really find ZOE to be crazy-OP like some do, but it would solve OP's issue if noob ZOE users are really such an issue. When I alt on VS I turn ZOE off during repairs. Kinda figured that it'd be common sense.
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  19. Chipay

    I think that part of our playerbase mostly left after GU2 :p
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  20. Xasapis

    The PS2 playerbase must be gluttons for punishment, it seems. While, under your logic, VS get all the OP stuff, NC is again the highest populated empire the past week (worldwide). And one week might seem like a small time period, but considering the downwards trend NC had for quite a while (never lower than second highest), it is surprising that they reached top population again, for no obvious reason.
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