Buff triage anyone?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Pikachu, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Matt879

    I got one rank of triage after they changed it to an AoE heal around the vehicle, and I'm yet to see that random heal xp pop up once in all that time. They just need to scrap the rather shait *ahem* bad idea that is triage and replace it with a different passive. Even a 0.1% constant AoE heal around the medic would be more useful than triage.
  2. Crayv

    Though you could go for set up finding an area where everyone is taking cover, throw down a shield device, and get on a radar flash next to it. Now you are providing shield regen, radar, and a small heal while you go eat a sandwich or something.
  3. deep470

    Triage seems not to work with Flashes.
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  4. Crayv

    That is lame.
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  5. Rtwpygbzstpqacihfd

    Triage definitely needs to heal people faster and have more of a radius to help guys that just spawned there or are repairing it. It's a great idea, just needs a buff.
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  6. Pikachu

    It works with flash. The MAXes always look so surprised when they notice they get healed from my flash. :D
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  7. starlinvf

    Its because the rate of healing is so low, that the dings don't happen often. I think in order to get a ding you need to repair/heal 100HP, which is 10% of infantry HP. Maxed out, the Nano-regen AOE healing would be a lot faster. I remember when Triage only affected people in the vehicle, and was a loop hole to heal MAXs traveling with you.

    As for buffing it.... the actual situation of healing people around a vehicle is pretty weak, even for a passive ability. A more useful feature would be reduced damage to infantry within 10-12m, which provides blanket protection to those repairing a Sunderer, or following along side an advancing armor column. This now gives a very valid reason to mix at least 1 medic into transport vehicle crew, ideally as a gunner or driver, while supporting engineers can jump out to repair.
  8. Matt879

    I figured something pretty neat out during the mergersmash, the AoE heal works on flashes + it heals maxes. Maybe everyone already knew this, but I nor anyone in my squad was aware of this. As a reply to the above, the xp ticks are indeed very slow. With maxed triage there was usually a 5 second gap between xp ticks, so with rank one triage (which I believe is 0.4%/sec compared to the 2.8%/sec of the maxed out triage) it would take well over 30 seconds to get one heal tick, that's absolutely horrible. And since it takes over half a minute to heal someone to max with maxed triage, it's still fairly horrible. It was pretty nice that I could heal up our 3 maxes while we were waiting for the base to cap though, but one engineer could've done the job faster and on the live servers it's still useless.
  9. Rovertoo

    Triage in actual battle has to do with deciding who of your fallen teamates should live or die. Usually it involves leaving the more wounded to die so the Medic can focus on fixing up the less wounded, so the squad is closest to full operational capacity. Pretty tragic.

    Anyways, in terms of Planetside 2, the current triage makes no sense. What it should be is an AOE passive that slowly heals friendlies in an area that are above 80 or 90 percent health. Certing it can either increase the range, or the heal rate, or the percentage that it heals at.
  10. reydelchicken

    Just buff it to the level of the AOE heal, makes it worth having a medic gunning a sundy while some engies or HA defend it.

    Make sure it doesn't stack with other triage effects however, or sunderers will be interesting if filled with 12 triage medics.
  11. Matt879

    How to buff it: Increase healing speed to 10%/second (5%/second for a max unit) at max rank, increase the radius to ~10m at max rank. Voila, a medic sitting in a sunderer that's under attack is now useful and I'm now even more useful on my scout radar flash. If SOE wants to be careful with buffing it, I guess double the current healing rate and doubling the radius would be a start.
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  12. Pikachu

    Going from 2.8% to 10% would sure be awesome. :D I would be the beloved heal master. Most of all I want to help the MAXes.
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  13. Matt879

    It really would be awesome wouldn't it? Making it stack would be a bit OP (imagine 12 medics in a sunderer with maxed triage, 120%/second might be a bit too extreme :D.) But really, 10%/second would make it worth certing, especially combined with the radius increase.
  14. MiniSentrygun

    I still regret using 100 certs for my level 1 triage.
    Seriously, it's like 0.3% per second, I see my health bar glowing green, but nothing's happening.
  15. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I like the suggestion of making it heal faster for high health teammates.
    Maybe 0.25% / s / level, double when in a vehicle, double when friendlies above 50% hp.
    Then in a vehicle it'd be % heal, while out in the field, it's at least a small heal that prevents you from having to top off every squadmate manually.
    Then again, it's practically free, and it doesn't cost a slot.
    I don't regret the 100 certs I spent in it, and I sure don't remember if I ever got points from it.
  16. dstock

    Having read a number of these threads over the months, I've noticed a common theme:

    Thread - Triage isn't very good
    Posts - "I certed rank 1, what a waste"

    Cert deeper into it. I've been flying the Valkyrie as a rank4 Triage medic (will probably get 5 once my Valk is done), and have found I can keep my passengers alive better than having an actual medic in the rumble seats using AoE nanites (sometimes I hotswap for burst healing, you don't get any feedback the AoE is being used, besides the green cloud around players).

    Rank 1 = 0.4%
    Rank 4 = 2.0%
    Rank 5 = 2.8%

    Everyone asking for 10 or 15% is nuts. That's obscenely OP, no two ways about it.

    We're already using a triage medic w/ shield generators as a battle Sundy crewman: when you take damage, they hop out, pop a shield gen, then get inside on the gun and let the passive healing flow as the engi crew rep the Sunderer.

    The problem with triage is not that it's bad or ineffective. The problem, IMO, is that the first 3 ranks are really lack-luster compared to the last two, and as such, most people try one or two ranks and give up on it. Personally, I'd like to see basic triage upgraded to 1.2% (3x current rank 1), and have each rank add 0.7%, instead of 0.4%, for a grand total of 4% per second at rank 5.
  17. Bhudda V1

    i think i got 1-2 ticks of xp from it and have seen it heal me a number of times but never noticed it working unless i watched it for about 10 seconds.

    my suggestion increase the range by 2-3 times and leave it at it's super weak healing level so it's nice to have a medic in the sundy but won't break anything or kick over anyone cereal (loves ma corn pop's) this way in another year the dev's can reevaluate it if they even think they need to if it's doing something they don't want it to and go from there.
  18. MiniSentrygun

    They should just make them cheaper. Currently, lvl 3 triage costs 450 certs in total.
    Why upgrade a super- situational ability when you can upgrade suit slots? Or anything else that is useful?
    Hell, people can get tons of certs back by investing that into ammo pack upgrades.
    Of course It's a different story for people with a lot of leftover certs, but most people have better things to cert.
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  19. TheKhopesh

    I know this post is old, but it actually heals EVERYONE in the vehicle. That includes the guy with the triage.
  20. TheKhopesh

    I've certed out 100% of my infantry classes.
    (That's everything, max rank on every armor slot and ability. Heck, I've even maxed the cooldown on my AI and AV engie turrets, even though I almost never play engineer.)

    That said~
    Triage is still the worst 1,350 certs I've ever spent.
    For that investment (I had to earn 337,500 XP to get those certs) I have seen no more than 500 XP over the past +15 months of regular gameplay.

    Even if they keep the rates the same, seeing as how situational it is, it should net you a small fortune per heal just so you get something for your investment.
    (The more you cert into it, the higher the XP it should yield, increasing exponentially.)