Buff the Prox & BB or Claymore Revamp

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kentucky Windage, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. StillMostlyClueless

    But they already have the advantage of being full AoE rather than directional. Toe-bombing with Claymores isn't nearly as effective.
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  2. CNR4806

    And what good does a blinking obivious omnidirectional AI mine do other than infil suicide-bombing, which isn't even its intended function?

    These things are DESIGNED to be put in the middle of the road in order to be effective, and the blinking lights make them way too obvious for the job.
  3. StillMostlyClueless

    I usually hide them behind bits of cover and other places people usually go when getting shot at. They're also great for stopping tower stomping LA's

    If you really could hide them in open sight they'd be completely obnoxious.
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  4. OldMaster80

    Remove lights from every landmine: those who are afraid of landmines must run EOD HUD, flak armor and NV scope.
    I'm sick and tired of noobs without implants running Nanowave 5 believing they should be invincible crying here because they have been killef by a landmine.

    And if it's not enough raise landmines cost again.
  5. Copasetic

    No, they gave the others lights because the claymores have always had green lasers. Then for some reason they removed the green lasers later, maybe for performance reasons. Or maybe it's just another bug. Who knows.
  6. Kentucky Windage

    Yes. I do as well. I think I placed around 72 BB yesterday and had 18 kills. Some of those players I got kills on I had actually engaged with my primary before bailing and running down the steps. Of course they chased and did die. Had I not did some damage prior to bailing out of the 1v1 and retreating I'm not sure I would have even gotten a kill. Perhaps my placements were skewed or something. I'm not sure.
  7. Kentucky Windage

    Spotting the BB and Prox are fairly easy. Removing the light aspect could produce better results. The fact that Claymores are invisible at the moment gives me an overwhelming advantage as a TR Engie over my fellow players NC/VS toons. They really need to fix this.
  8. Kentucky Windage

    I'm not sure it could be worse. Changing the BB and Prox shouldn't have a detrimental affect on how the Claymore performs. It is such a fantastic weapon I just can't see that impacting it's production. I could be wrong though and it wouldn't be the first time.
  9. LodeTria

    Just add instant triggers back to BB/Proxy, one of the main advantages of the claymore is it goes of right away, whilst the BB has a delay which gives you enough time to get out of the lethal radius or activate your shield as HA.
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  10. Goretzu

    Yeah it's the best first step I think, messing with explosive range/power etc. would be best left till after (if indeed needed at all).
  11. Lord_Avatar

    The Claymore is a directional explosive and that's why it *should* deal more damage. It is also the easiest to spot by far. TR learned to be sneaky with them (otherwise they are useless) - learn to be sneaky with BBs and PMs.
  12. a-koo-chee-moya

    Even if you are sneaky, the delay means that sprinting players can survive, especially if they are running off to the side. Claymore, however, detonates instantly and does ~33% more damage. All the 180 degree radius really does is encourage them to be placed off to the side of doorways, which makes them even better. People pretty much have to run over BBs and PMs to be killed, not to mention the fact that even flak 1 will save you. Also, you forget the blinking lights that give BBs and PMs away.
  13. Kentucky Windage

    If the lights are removed it could produce some similar results to the Claymore. The delay seems to be the big kicker in this whole debate. Maybe remove the delay and the lights while kicking the damage up to 250 within 6.5M and 1100 within 3M. I'm not sure how some folks would feel about that either.

    I know we got very creative with them during the TR underpop on Mattherson. I was sticking them right next to spawn areas in Bio-Labs and never saw a generator I didn't hide one next too. Hell, even when we did find an enemy Sunderer we would place tank mines and back them up with Claymores not only to get several kills but also to waste the Sundie. It was sight to behold. As soon as someone spawned in on the Sundie the whole damn thing would go up. Had a lot fun during those heavy beer laced adventures.
  14. Lord_Avatar

    Remove the delay and keep the damage as it is since the BB and PM are omnidirectional (hence the Claymore should do more damage).

    Edit: I keep repeating myself, but surely you get my point...
  15. Kentucky Windage

    Yes Sir. I get it. Removing the delay would surely make an immediate impact. I hate the lights and would want those removed as well. The damage adjustment could be looked at later for future tweaking if needed. I was just throwing ideas out there. So can we agree that the delay and the lights should go but keep the damage level in it's current state.
  16. Lord_Avatar

    Yes siree. Agreed on that. :cool:
  17. Morti

    gettin' real sick of your invisible claymores, TR.
  18. GhostAvatar

    Well thats the funny thing. From the very beginning Claymores had highly visible lasers. It was a very sore point with the TR when AI mines in general was ever brought up in a balance discussion. The devs eventually tried to fix it in normal SOE ways. In other words, instead of fixing the claymore they nerfed the other two. This is when the other two got the blinking lights.

    Now this is the funny part. TR got what they wanted not much after that in a stealth patch. And the lasers were toned down to be near invisible. Why they couldn't do this in the first place I don't know. But here it is now.
  19. FrozenCustard

    Keep the delay and everything else, but buff the max damage range so you can't just walk over it and survive with a sliver of health.
  20. Schizomatic

    It's a fairly well balanced game when we're complaining about AI mines.