[Suggestion] Buff Infiltrator Shield to 500

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DIGGSAN0, May 20, 2017.

  1. Sil4ntChaozz

    Ideas away

    • Special minimap indicator when cloaked sundys are found especially by infils encouraging actual recon.
    • Darklight headlights for Flash, more recon encouragement
    • It may be OP, that concussion grenade could be shared with infils since someone decided EMP nerf was a good idea.
    • EXTENDED mags for ASRs
    • An actual camouflage alternative to cloak (do we have those??)
    • EMPs disable cloak sundys right? How about a alternative ammo for Fury? EMP launcher Flash thing! (Probably OP)
    • A tripwire that disables shields and such. Non lethal tripwire like a EMP
    • Share smoke grenade?
    • A stretch, while doing recon you come across enemy AT mines. You hack them. Now there're YOUR AT mines.
    • Major stretch brace yourself. Stalker SMG infil, can't carry a sidearm, restricted to one mine a couple grenades, or something similarly restrictive.
    • Crossbow recon darts contributes to recon ribbon
    • Disable proximity mines?
    • Humor. Engie stops sundy. You hop into sundy, demand possession. He refuses, he dies and now it YOUR sundy disguised as other teams faction. Que evil laugh.
    • Stealth motion spotters not seeable on minimap BUT, make a distinct continuous sound until destroyed.
    • If you hit infantry with recon dart him darting around flags everyone nearby on radar. 'GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!'
    • Able to steal enemy weapons and either hoard or sell them. Being infil you'll be able acquire them easier.

    If you're wondering about my logic, I'm constantly sleep deprived.
    • Up x 1
  2. Demigan

    Something I have proposed for the LA previously:
    A new recon tool that, when activated, will temporarily show enemy positions, including through walls. My idea was always to have it show a wire-frame but the wire-frames would only show the position the enemy was in upon activation. However, the devs have taken the idea and used it for their comms hacking implant, where if you kill someone under certain conditions you'll see all enemy IFF tags that are within certain distances, including through walls.

    Vehicle hacking:
    The old classic. To balance it, only empty vehicles can be hacked, and deployed Sunderers are immune. The hacking time could be 10 seconds or even more if necessary.
    Vehicles hacked will instantly change color scheme, both to keep it fair to the playerbase as it would be too powerful if you can't trust you own faction tank color scheme anymore, especially with the friendly IFF tags that often take longer to load, and to protect the player with the hacked vehicle from his own team who's likely to shoot on sight and you are likely hacking damaged vehicles.

    Recon Tripmines:
    Much more low-key than recon darts or the Motion spotter, and you have access to a bunch of them. These spot enemies that walk through it's beam, which is as visible as a high-cloak infil (for example), but due to it's thinness it's going to be hard to spot in time. Allows Infils to watch multiple doorways without physically being present or warning everything they are there.

    Disabling darts:
    Fires a large dart that when it hits a vehicle or MAX will reduce the effectiveness. Expect things like longer turn ratio's, reduced speed and acceleration.
    • Up x 2
  3. Zagareth


    Well, he is also the guy who told me in game not to use a 12x scope on the Phaseshift, only a 10x at most - "he should know, he reworked the gun, together with the devs"


    well i told you why it is a bad idea, simply beacause the phaseshift bulletvelocity is too slow for a 12x scope (still even after rework) a 10x scope does "magically" force to get closer to the enemy where the bullet needs less time to travel.

    I can clearly remember that you offend me with stats and experience that is why I told you WHY I know the Rifle.

    I can still send you the screenshots of the talk with Wrel if our majesty demands it ^^

    I suggest to never use 12 Scope one ANY Rifle.

    I also said that you don't have to listen to me if you don't want... I am just some guy who give advices to newer people...and with that 12x scope i clearly thought you are one. ;)
  5. SupaFlea

    I've been playing Infil lately to auraxim the MKV and PDW to get the Shuriken as I love the Armistice. Any I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the Nano Armour Cloak.
    Is the armour bonus only when cloak is active as it just to reduce the damage you take while cloaked which should be random fire damage or is there a benefit when you uncloak. I'm used to the long time of the original cloak combined with the sometimes Nano Weave/Chameleon thingy and the Extra 50 shield points thingy.
  6. Zagareth

    Sniping isnt limited by a "magically" forced lower range of a 10x scope - it is limited by the render range of the enemy toons. And for me it is about 650-700m, where I can still kill them in no time, because 1 bullet needs a lil bit more than 1 sec and it needs 2 shots to kill someone at this range. Well, under the assumption one is able to hit the head twice, what I am.

    So you "might" know the rifle, but you doesnt know what some people can do with it - which is a difference.

    Thinking that someone with a 12x scope on a Phaseshift is a n00b, might be justified from your point of view - but giving the devs some kind of input, that actually ends in an awesome weapon, doesnt make one to a sniping expert.

    And as a sidenote: Who the f*ck makes screenshots of a talk with a dev, just to have an evidence adout the talk itself? o_O

    First of all i just suggested you something, you can do it but don't definetly have to...gosh i am not moses with 10 rules of god. It was just a friendly advice...

    Second, You can definetly do whatever you want where you want. But please stop overreacting to something which was meant nice. It was not a order or something like that.

    Last of it:
    keep on topic please...the Thread is still about giving the Infiltrator something in return for the nerfs for emp etc...

    I don't want to give you any advice anymore...neither discuss with over such things.

    You have been given a good reworked gun, do whatever you want to it.
  8. Zagareth

    What nerf? The infiltrator is the strongest class in game, right played.
    That most people cant play it and want it buffed isnt DBGs fault.
  9. Sil4ntChaozz

    Idea for current EMP.

    • Allow it to disable HUD of vehicles. And cloak. And deployment shield.

    Since it's already nerfed, some tweaking could make it more viable, and give infils a way to temporarily counter vehicles instead of having to run off and switch classes every time a vehicle shows up.
  10. LordKrelas

    The deployment shield is a bit far.
    A single infil, and the sundy loses the entire point of the shield, allowing it to easily die to any LA, Heavy or Engineer in the area...
    Or anyone with C-4, since an Infil lobbed a single grenade.
  11. Sil4ntChaozz

    It's a stretch and deployment shielded Sundys are a ***** to deal with. It's a temporary delay before the shield kicks back on (basically like it is now), maybe a few seconds, not a permanent disability.

    And if accidentally set off the c4 before the emp disables the shield, the shield just soaked up the c4 without actually damaging the vehicle. So you're screwed.
  12. Corezer

    I asked the servers about this via prayer to my computer...

    Lord Higby says no...
  13. LordKrelas

    And EMPs are pretty cheap compared to a Sundy... and all I need is chuck it far - which is easy, and that Sundy dies in 4 seconds.
    Literally all someone needs is that shield down for a few seconds - and it dead.

    Not to mention, multiple infils with emps, and that shield ain't ever getting back up.
  14. DIGGSAN0

    I would be all in for a "Stun" Grenade which stuns people for a small amount of time within given range. But it shouldn't go trough walls.
    • Up x 1
  15. Desertmind

    These numbers would be kind of skewed because of sniper infiltrators. Easy to get a good KDA when nobody's able to shoot back at you. But since KDA is mostly a matter of ******, whether these snipers actually contribute to the fight is another question. Someone sitting on a hill 150 meters away isn't inside a base capping points. They're too busy farming BR 10s who haven't quite figured out how to shoot and walk at the same time.

    I'd say that when in doubt, look at what the sweaty BR 120 tryhards are doing. And at the moment, that seems to revolve around heavy assaults rather than infiltrators. Turns out that in CQC, a "kill-everything" class with LMGs, rocket launchers, and a "press F when you get scared and you won't get hurt anymore" gimmick outclasses squishy, low-firepower infiltrators with a cloak that makes you kinda almost invisible for a few seconds.
  16. Sil4ntChaozz

    Crap lol. Didn't take that into consideration. Well my previous ideas still stand but right now it's 6:14am and I've been up all night again so going to do something. Or not.

    Double exp makes it easy to edge out the very heavily certed battlebus. Blockade armor maxed, and Fire suppression. Next racer chasis, hacking, and minor stuff.

    Then i can cert into fun stuff! Ugh the grind, now I know why people scream 'P2W!'