Welcome everyone! my brand new New Conglomerate outfit is recruiting currently! post here and i will send you a friend request in game and i can add you! (btw please dont add me yourselfs, ill add you dont worry about it, just post here) Outfit Vision: i hope to provide a fun social atmosphere in which a smaller group of players can really get to know each other and strive to be better and work as a team. i want to do fun things and really try to make a personal connection with all of my members. i want this to be a laid back, fun, joking around type of outfit. i dont want any strict rules or the type of follow orders or get kicked mentality (although i do expect you to follow orders when im trying to organize something) What We Would Do: i want to try to do fun things like all getting light assualts and pod dropping on towers and holding out for as long as we can, or all getting reavers and just constantly support each other in the air (i can provide flight lessons for any new players, i have an almost maxed out reaver and am an ample pilot) i also plan to organize max crashes, tank swarms, and any other things people might want to do (i am open to suggestions) Recruitment: i have no restrictions, i want anyone who wants to learn more about the game and to play in a fun, close knit group. if you are more expirienced or have bought a lot of things with SC and feel like you are well into this game you are the type of people that would lead squads. because i want this to be more of a close knit group i only plan to recruit about 10-25 members, only so i can get to know all of you. so first come first serve. (i might raise this amount of players in the future based on demand) Basic Outfit Information: NAME: Brotherband TAG: BB Founder: gommer556 3rd party voice communtication: not yet, maybe in the future based on demand and outfit size Website: working on one, will edit and put URL when its done Private Forums: will be included on website otherwise, i hope you guys have a great time in game regardless of Outfit. LIVE FREE IN THE NC!!!!!! Also to note: this outfit is not actually made yet, this forum post is to see if people would be intrested in this. but as soon as the first player is intrested in it i will exit my current outfit and form BB. this is so i dont leave my outfit i have currently to form BB and then it never gets any members, and i just wasted my time.