At my last visit on the Testserver i noticed that the Cert Menu button is now completely gone, it is used by Implants now. The Squadleader Certs can now be accessed via the Social Tab. In addition to that the cert buttons at Infantry and vehicles got altered so they show only stuff that cannot be certed anywhere else, like passive certs (you missed the AV turret here). I dislike this change. The Cert Menu was a nice way to have anything in one place. It was even better back in the days when we could access weapons with it too. If you need the space from the button for Implants you could still add a button to the Profile section that leads to the original Cert Menu (maybe withw eapons added back), so palyers can chose what way they want to take.
I would like this feature to come back as well. Would it really be that bad to have one more button (implants) on the menu and keep the cert button?
Here's the really odd thing: There's a menu on the left of the screen that the cert menu could have used long ago. Currently, there is only "Summary" on the left. Wouldn't it have been nicer if we had "Summary" for the current cert screen, "Weapons" so you could just look at the weapons available to each class/vehicle, and then we could now have an "Implant" tab to take you to the implant stuff? I don't get this current design approach of decentralizing useful information.
They Probably did put the Implant Menu button there so more people can notice it and recharge with Station Cash. I agree with the people above that the cert menu was nice. They could make the buttons smaller to fit the implant one or put it somewhere else on the layout.
Not having a cert menu is a real drawback - its hard to plan and see how much each upgrade level costs and what it does at each level in the per weapon/ability screens, cause they don't show you those details.
As I said in the other thread about this issue. I do not like the new way of handling the certs all over the place, please keep the cert menu like it is on live currently.
Just another bump and suggestion - even if there's not a cover screen that leads to each individual cert tree, at least we should keep the XYZ certs under each individual class/vehicle just under the camo quick-selector as a way to access the cert trees.
I agree, the cert menu is a convenient way to see the available options and plan ahead how to spend your certs. Make it more user friendly if you like but don't remove it.
Cert menu should be reverted to how it was before the loadout screen was made into the mess we have now, if anything.
As far as i know petitions are not allowed, but maybe someone with a twitter account could tweet this to Higby?
I'm tired of SoE removing information from the game. First it was the weapon cert line we couldn't see, now it's the entire cert menu. How do you think a new player is going to feel when he can't see what a cert line does past level 1? Or what it costs? I know I'd be really p*ssed if I bought into a cert line blind, and it went from 1, 10, 30, 50, to 1000. This was the final straw for me. I've canned my membership. SoE lost my business.